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Dr. Ghada Mamdouh Sayd Amin :: Publications:

"The treatment of violence in Arab & foreign movies in satellite channels & its relation to aggressiveness in Egyptian youth".
Authors: ghada mamdouh
Year: 2012
Keywords: violence, movies, effects, channel, agressive
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 393
Publisher: faculty of mass communication, cairo university
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ghada Mamdouh Sayd Amin_The treatment of violence in Arab & foreign movies in satellite channels & its relation to aggressiveness in Egyptian youth..doc
Supplementary materials Not Available

Name: Ghada mamdouh sayed amin. , nationality: Egyptian. Degree: master thesis. Specialization: Radio & T.V. Supervisor: ROF. Dr. Adli sayed mohmed reda (Prof at radio & T.V department-faculty of mass communication- Cairo university). Title of thesis: "The treatment of violence in Arab & foreign movies in satellite channels & its relation to aggressiveness in Egyptian youth". Summary: Research problem will be answer for A basic question which is: "is there a relation between watching violent movies in Arab satellite drama channels and psychological aggressiveness in the Egyptian youth?. Research aimed to: knowing the features of the violent content presented in the Arabic and foreign movies in the satellite drama channels, showing the relation between the criminal and his own victim in addition to the demographic features of each character & clarifying the effect of heavy rate of watching the dramatic violence and reasons of watching such kind of movies. Research methodology: The research, in this study, uses the method of survey with it two parts the description and the analytical, A civil study on a sample of Egyptian youth. The analytical sample of the study: The research tried to analyze 26 Arabic and foreign movies containing violence scenes which are presented on ROTANA cinema channel and MBC2 at night. The civil sample of the study: The research distributes 400 questionnaires for a random sample of the Egyptian youth between 18 and 35 years old in Cairo, Qualubia and Giza. Research tools: a tool of content analysis to know the rate of introducing the violent content in Arabic and foreign movies, how it is introduced, and which of them is more violent, the Arabic or the foreign one?, & a tool for the questionnaire. Theory of the research: The research used the cultivation theory of GEORGE GERBNER which supposes that heavy viewers of T.V. have perceptions about real world which are similar to what happens in the T.V. The most important results: the violent scenes in Arabic and foreign; the sample of the study, are equal- the physical violence is the most kind used in the Arabic and foreign violent movies; the sample of the study, with percent of (61.4%). The verbal violence comes in the second position with the percent of(25%)- the research proved the correctness of presupposition that males uses violence more than females- general results shows that the larger percent of youth, the sample of the study, prove that movies with violent content increase their aggressiveness which can be seen clearly in their daily behaviors and manners in different live situations.

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