You are in:Home/Publications/“Longshore Current Data Statistical Analysis Along Damietta Promontory” . The III Regional Conference on Civil Engineering Technology and the III International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers and ASCE, April 2002.

Prof. Gamal Helmy Mohamed Elsaeed :: Publications:

“Longshore Current Data Statistical Analysis Along Damietta Promontory” . The III Regional Conference on Civil Engineering Technology and the III International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers and ASCE, April 2002.
Authors: M. Elbisy and G. Elsaeed
Year: 2002
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Gamal Helmy Mohamed Elsaeed_Longshore Current Data.rar
Supplementary materials Not Available

Longshore currents play the main role in sediment transport along the coast, Records for 14 years period from different stations at many places on both sides of Damietts promontory has been analysed. From these analyses the maximum and average longshore current velocity and their percentage of occurrence during each month and each season on both sides of Damietta promontory were derived using statistical analysis technique. The analysis showed that the predominant current direction on both sides of promontory is towards East except in some few months (March, December, April, and/or May) where the current reverses its direction. The Maximum measured longshore current velocities were 75-91 cm/sec and 59-91 cm/sec towards East and West respectively. Also, the average measured longshore current velocities were 26-30 cm/sec and 23-28 cm/sec towards East and West respectively. Also it's found that during July and August, most of the currents are towards East and very little is in the opposite direction (the percentage does not exceed 12%). The current records were used the calibrate various formula which predict the longshore current velocity at the middle of the surf zone using the available wave records.

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