You are in:Home/Publications/“Environmental Study For Western Rosetta Promontory” . The III Regional Conference on Civil Engineering Technology and the III International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers and ASCE, April 2002.

Prof. Gamal Helmy Mohamed Elsaeed :: Publications:

“Environmental Study For Western Rosetta Promontory” . The III Regional Conference on Civil Engineering Technology and the III International Symposium on Environmental Hydrology, Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers and ASCE, April 2002.
Authors: G. Elsaeed and H. Ali
Year: 2002
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Gamal Helmy Mohamed Elsaeed_Environmental Study for Western.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The rate of erosion at Rosetta promontory represents the highest shoreline regression documented along the Egyptian Nile Delta coast. The objective of this study is to formulate and simulate alternatives interventions to protect the coast of Western Rosetta from erosion, and to determine the most effective engineering solution for shore-protection problem, considering the environmental impact of shore-protection structures on the studied and adjacent coasts. The numerical solution shore evaluations model GENESIS was used to study the Western Rosetta Promontory utilizing available data. Finally, it was found, for preventing erosion and establishing the studied and adjacent areas, that groins to be extended 0.33 of the average surf zone width, spacing between to be twice of the groin length, the alignment of groins with respect to the shore to be 90 degree and the crown height to be at mean sea level.

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