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Dr. fatma saber Eldsoukey taima :: Publications:

Sustainable urban development for Qweisna district "Geographical study" using geographic information system and remote sensing .
Authors: Fatma Saber El-DesokyTeama
Year: 2018
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper fatma saber Eldsoukey taima_123123.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This thesis includes five chapters preceded by introduction and preface following by conclusion the systematic arrangement came as the following:- General introduction:-In which the study area the reasons for its selection and theme were determined. It also includes the previous studies, the objectives of the study, its approach, methods and difficulties. It also presented study stages in theoretical readings, collecting the scientific material from its published and unpublished sources. As well as ,it states the field study, maps, astronomy, then the stage of statistical processing and quantity of the scientific material, mapping and morphology. The preface contains GIS applications and remote sensing. The firstChapter titled "the possibilities and characteristics of the site and its role in achieving the sustainable development of the district. It includes the location of Qweisna district "geographical and astronomical", the possibilities and centralization of this district and its relation to the other villages and towns in El-Menoufia governorate. It also includes the site topography. The chapter concluded with a study of descriptive environmental analysis to determine the possibilities and determinants of the district location and its role in achieving sustainable development in the district. The second chaptertitled "the sustainable urban growth in the district" it includes the urban development in the study area, studying its historical development. The chapter concluded with the prediction of the future housing units of the population during the planning periods and prospects of the growth axes in the district. It also identifies developmental areas and recommends different alternatives by using models to achieve sustainable urban development in the district. The third Chaptertitled "sustainable human development of Qweisna district" it includes the evolution, growth, spatial dimension of the population through its geographical distribution, the chapter concluded with the study of sustainable development of Qweisna population through studying the future expectations and the main axes of the population that the sustainable development is based on.. The fourth Chapter titled " thesustainable development for using lands in Qweisna district . it includes the current state of different uses of the lands includingusing the descriptive environmental analysis to determine the possibilities and determinates of the district to achieve the sustainable land uses in the district. The fifth chapter titled "the sustainable development of the services in the district In addition to the study of general services in the district,The chapter concluded with the studies of sustainabledevelopment of the services in the district and determine the most suitable locations for proposed services site using models.Thestudyconcluded withthe researcher᾿s findings and recommendations.

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