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Prof. Fahmy Salah Fahmy Abdelhaleem :: Publications:

Sediment control at River intake using A single row of vanes
Authors: Fahmy S. Abdelhaleem, Helal Y. Esam, Ibrahim S.A, and Sobeih M.F
Year: 2008
Keywords: Submerged vane, intake, physical model, sedimentation.
Journal: Ain Shams Journal of Civil Engineering
Volume: 2
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 395-400
Publisher: Faculty of Enfineering, Ain Shams University
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Fahmy Salah Fahmy Abdelhaleem_Sediment Control at River Intakes Using A Single Row of Vanes.pdf
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Sediment deposition at the entrance of river intake structures is an important problem. In case of power-plants that use rivercooling water, sediment deposition reduces the withdrawn capacity, causes damages to the pumping system and causes partial or full blockage of the intake. Sediment blockage may cause stopping of the plant. Submerged vanes are simple structures that can be used to control the sediment and redistribute the flow and the sediment in open channels. An experimental study to minimize the sediment that enters the intake channel using a single row of submerged vanes is investigated. Sixty experimental runs were carried out considering various heights, angles, and positions of the submerged vanes with different flow conditions. The case of flat floor without vanes is included to estimate the influence of using the submerged vanes on sediment control

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