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Dr. Al-Shimaa Mohamed Sabry El-Said :: Publications:

Impact of elective PCI on left intraventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in patients with chronic stable angina (tissue Doppler study)
Authors: Shaimaa A. Mostafa , Heba A. Mansour, Tarek H. Aboelazm, Khaled E. Elrabat, Shaimaa Sabry
Year: 2015
Keywords: PCI; Systolic; Diastolic; Dyssynchrony
Journal: The Egyptian Heart Journal
Volume: 67
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 559-566
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract Aim: To detect the impact of elective PCI on left intraventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in patients with chronic stable angina. Methods: 100 patients with chronic stable angina were included and divided into two groups according to LV systolic and diastolic mechanical dyssynchrony measured by TSI 12-segments SD and Te-SD. 24 h then 1 month after PCI, patients with dyssynchrony were reclassified into improved vs persistent LV mechanical dyssynchrony. Results: At baseline 72% had LV systolic mechanical dyssynchrony. Patients with LV systolic mechanical dyssynchrony were significantly older (58.42± 4.617 vs. 54.64 ±3.456, respectively, p< 0.001), diabetic (36.11% vs. 14.3% p value < 0.05), higher prevalence of pseudo-normal and restrictive filling patterns (p value < 0.05), significantly larger LVESV (39.88 ± 13.67 vs. 32.93 ±9.79 ml, p< 0.05), lower EF% (54.13± 6.69% vs. 58.54± 6.4%, p value

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