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Dr. Ehsan Saad Soliman Saad :: Publications:

Organizational Support as Perceived by Staff Nurses and its Relation to their Autonomy
Authors: Ehsan Saad Soliman Saad1, Samah Mohammed Elsayad2
Year: 2019
Keywords: Autonomy, Organizational support, Staff nurses.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 159-169
Publisher: Ebtsam Saad Soliman Saad
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ehsan Saad Soliman Saad_ehsan6.pdf
Supplementary materials Ehsan Saad Soliman Saad_ehsan6.pdf

Context: Nurses need support at all levels in the organization. When staff nurses perceive organizational support, this can promote their sense of well-being, raise positive work behaviors and enhance their autonomy in patient care and unit operational decisions through having the right to make decisions and do their best to increases productivity and achieve organizational goals. Aim: The current study aimed to assess organizational support as perceived by staff nurses and its relation to their autonomy. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional analytical research design utilized to achieve the aim of the current study. This study conducted in all units of Benha University Hospital. Study subjects were301 out of 1224 staff nurses; their selection was based on a simple random sample. Two tools used for data collection namely perceived organizational support questionnaire and staff nurses' autonomy scale. Results: The result of the study yield that more than two-thirds (73.3%) of the studied staff nurses had low perception levels regarding organizational support, while less than half (45.8%) of them had moderate autonomy levels. Also, there was a highly statistically significant positive correlation (p-value

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