You are in:Home/Publications/Using pl ant g•·owth promoting rhizobadcria for improving tomat o growth under saline stress

Prof. Ehsan Ahmed Ali Hanfy :: Publications:

Using pl ant g•·owth promoting rhizobadcria for improving tomat o growth under saline stress
Authors: Rashed. A. Zaghloul 1, Ehsan A. Hanafy1, Hamed E. Abou-Aly1; Ahmad G.H. Rahal2 , Rasha, M. EIMeih y1
Year: 2012
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ehsan Ahmed Ali Hanfy_Rashed Abdel-Fatah Mohamed Zaghloul_rashed 37.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Sa lin ity is a crucial constraint th at slow downs agr icu lture prodLtction 1n many areas in Egypt. Inocu lation with plan t growth promoting mi croo1·ga ni sms may enh ance pl ant grovvth under sa lt stress co nditions. The obJect ive is to eva luate the 111oc ul ation ettic ieny of biostim ulant strains (Pseudomonas fluorescence 023, Bacillus 17umilus D 139 and Azosj7iril!um lij7oferum D I 78), humic

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