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Prof. Ehsan Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Fahmy :: Publications:

childhood obesity and school performance
Authors: Abd El-rahman El-Saadany;Samia El=Henawi;;Eman Abd E-Rehim;Mohamed Sabri Saleim; Ismail Abou -Ela Abd El=FataH and Ehsan Fahmy
Year: 1992
Keywords: childhood obesity,school performance
Journal: Journal of Arab Child
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Pages: 83-89
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ehsan Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Fahmy_june 1992.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The study included 50 obese children aged 6-7.2 years(mean6.6±0.23 years)pupils in first primary stage in Benha elementary schools.these children as well as another 50 age and sex matched non-obese(control) children were subjected to anthropometric measurements including weight,head,chest and midarm circumferences and triceps and subscapular skin fold thickness),clinical examination including bloodpressure measurement, IQ testing and school performance evaluation.Results showed significant increase in mean values of all studied anthropometric parameters in obese than control children. the mean values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly higher in obese than control. no significant differences in I.Q scores or school performance test results between both groups. we concluded that there was no impact of simple obesity on I.Q or school performance of our obese children

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