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Dr. Ehab Said Abdel Azeem :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
تقييم ماقبل العمليات للمرضى ذوى الخطورة العالية Completed
المعالجة التخديرية للمرضى بالاختلالات النفسية Completed
المحافظة على سلامة الحبل الشوكى أثناء جراحات اصلاح الميل الجانبى للفقرات الصدرية والقطنية فى العمود الفقرى Completed
علاج ضغط الدم قبل وأثناء وبعد الجراحة Completed
التغذية لمرضى الحالات الحرجة Completed
الانعاش فى القسم الدموى Completed
التخدير والاختلال فى الايونات Completed
صداع ما بعد ثقب الأم الجافية أساليب حديثة فى الوقاية والعلاج Completed
Anaesthetic Implications in Pediatric Obesity In Progress
Postoperative Visual Disturbances and Anaesthetic Ocular Complictions Completed
New Trends in the Anaesthetic Mangement of Adult Patients with Myocardial Ischemia During Non Cardiac Surgery Completed
Anaesthetic Considerations for the Anticagulated Patients Completed
Role of Lung Ultrasound IN Assessment of End Point of Fluid Therapy in Patients With Hypovolemic Shock In Progress
Perioperative hyperglycemia: a strong predictor for atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery Completed
Comparative Study between Efficacy of Measurment of Daily Fluid Intake and body wieght Measurment in fluid guiding in Adult Patients after Cardiac Surgery Completed
Surgical pridectocrs of Morbidity and Mortality in Liver cirhotic Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery In Progress
Effect of Anaesthesia in Peditric Obese Patients Completed
Postoperative Occular Anaesthetic Complication Completed
New Trends in Anaesthetic Managment of Impaired Myocardiac Perfusion in Noncardiac Surgical Patients Completed
Anaesthetic Consideration in Patients Recieving Anticoagulant Therapy Completed
Organ Dysfunction in Critical ill patients In Progress
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