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Dr. Doaa Ibrahim Abdel karim Soliman :: Publications:

Function Block Diagram to UPPAAL Timed Automata Transformation Based on Formal Models
Authors: Information Control Problems in Manufacturing,
Year: 2012
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2012)
Volume: Volume # 14, Part# 1
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1653-1659
Publisher: IFAC
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Doaa Ibrahim Abdel karim Soliman_incom2012page1.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Verification of IEC61131-3 based safety applications is a challenge in the development process of industrial systems. In this paper, we formally describe a set of transformation rules we have defined for the automatic transformation of IEC61131-3 function block based safety applications to UPPAAL timed automata models. These models are next used for the verification process of the safety application. Both the source and the target domain models have been formally defined and these definitions are used for the formal definition of the transformation rules. We adopted as format of the source models the PLCopen XML specification that is widely accepted by industry. Based on this format and the defined transformation rules a prototype model transformer was developed using Java. The transformer was used on several safety applications to verify its functionality and the effectiveness of the transformation process.

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