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Prof. Dr Aziz Abdul-Aziz Qandeel :: Courses details:

Number of courses : 16
Number of uploaded files for these courses from students : 0
Recent trends in research in specialization field
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International and local associations in specializa
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Recent trends in research in specialization field
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Research issues course for ph.d. degree students (
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Mathematics teaching techniques course, profession
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Mini-seminar course for special diploma students,
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Curricula planning, professional diploma students,
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Methods of teaching mathematics to students with s
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Methods of teaching mathematics to students with s
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Methods of teaching mathematics and educational te
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Instructional media course, , 3rd year students,
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Educational technology and instructional media cou
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Curricula course, 4th year students, Mathematics S
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Instructional Media course, 3rd year students, Mat
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Methods of Teaching Mathematics, 3rd and 4th year
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History of mathematics, 3rd year students, basic e
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