You are in:Home/Publications/Ayman A. Nada, 2014, "Efficient modeling of continuum blades using ANCF curved shell element", 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 20-25 July 2014 - Barcelona, Spain. Pages 3092-3103

Prof. Ayman Ali Ahmed Nada :: Publications:

Ayman A. Nada, 2014, "Efficient modeling of continuum blades using ANCF curved shell element", 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 20-25 July 2014 - Barcelona, Spain. Pages 3092-3103
Authors: Ayman A. Nada
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ayman Ali Ahmed Nada_p3283.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Large-size wind turbine blade is divided into two regions classified by struc- tural and aerodynamic characteristics. The structural region (blade-root section), carries the highest load with low aerodynamics efficiency. The aerodynamical region (blade- span), is aerodynamically significant and therefore thinnest finite element can be utilized. Recently, the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation (ANCF) is used for constructing continuum models of blade-span with uniform structure. Furthermore, a non-uniform and twisted structure model is constructed successfully. These models utilized the ANCF thin plate element due to its aerodynamical nature. However, it is concluded that the use of thin plate element, specifically in the structural region, is not the optimum choice due to the ignorance of the strain along the element thickness. Furthermore, it is found in that the use of thick plate element within the ANCF leads to high numerical stiffness because of the oscillation of gradient along the element thickness. In this investigation, a modified displacement field is used such that a material point is defined by the midsurface and the rotation of the element fiber along the material line. This line is orthogonal to the midsurface in the undeformed configuration. The strain vector is formalized, taking into consideration, the membrane as well as curvature strain. Numerical methods are carried out to estimate the elastic forces and the generalized force Jacobian. The static solution of 40[m] long is carried out using NR method successfully. It is concluded that the use of shell element can be enhance the dynamic model for design process of such blades.

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