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Dr. Amr Abdelnasser Ali Khalil :: Publications:

Delineation of the porphyry-skarn mineralized zones (NW Turkey) using concentration–volume fractal model
Authors: Muhittin Karaman; Mustafa Kumral; Demet Kiran Yildirim; Zeynep Doner; Peyman Afzal; Amr Abdelnasser
Year: 2021
Keywords: Tepeoba porphyry deposit; Concentration–volume fractal model; NW Turkey
Journal: CHEMIE der ERDE - Geochemistry
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Pages: 1-15
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Amr Abdelnasser Ali Khalil_1-s2.0-S0009281921000647-main_01.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study is carried out for delineation of the Tepeoba porphyry-skarn Cu-Mo ± Au mineralized zones at the Biga peninsula (NW Turkey) using the concentration–volume (C–V) fractal model. The power-law C–V relationships of Cu, Mo, and Au reveal five mineralized zones of Cu, three zones of Mo, and five zones for gold in the Tepeoba deposit. The main phase of the mineralization has average ore grades of 0.257% Cu, 0.357% Mo and 5.3083 ppm Au. Cu–Mo sulfide-rich hypogene ore zone overlain by mineralized oxidation zone are encompassed by three main alteration types, which are represented by biotite ± muscovite-K-feldspar, actinolite-albite and outer chlorite-epidote-calcite mineral associations occurring within the porphyritic microgranite and hornfels in the mine area. The delineated mineralization trend, based on the C–V fractal model, suggested that Cu and Mo enrichment zones were controlled by the same geochemical processes in the deposit due to their similar trends with the C–V log-log plot. Cu and Mo occurred mainly within the breccia zones along with stockwork veining at the contact between the hornfels and the biotite (±muscovite)-K-feldspar-altered Eybek microgranite. The main mineralization zone of Au developed in the oxidation zone due to of supergene enrichment processes.

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