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Assist. Aml Abdelsalam :: Publications:

Perceived Stress, Resilience and Problematic Use of Mobile Phone among Nursing Students at Benha University
Authors: 1Amal Abd Elsalam Abd Elazeem, 2 Faten Mohamed Ahmed, 3 Eman Nabawy Abo Zeid
Year: 2022
Keywords: Nursing Students, Perceived Stress, Resilience, Problematic Use of Mobile Phones.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Aml Abdelsalam _aml paper.pdf
Supplementary materials Aml Abdelsalam _aml paper.pdf

Background: Persistent exposure to stress can have negative consequences on student's health and performance and the ability to handle stress is largely determined by resilience ability used by the students Moreover, there is a bidirectional relation between problematic use of mobile phone and perceived stress Aim of study: The study aimed to assess the relation between perceived stress, resilience and problematic use of mobile phone among nursing students at faculty of nursing, Benha university. Design: Descriptive correlational research design was utilized to achieve the aim of the study. Setting: This study was conducted at faculty of nursing, Benha university, Qalubia Governorate. Study subject: Convenient sample of 250 students from the first grade nursing students. Tools of Data collection: Four tools were used: Tool 1: Structured Interview Questionnaire, Tool 2: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Tool 3: Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and Tool 4: Problematic Use of Mobile Phones Scale (PUMP). Results: nearly half of the studied nursing students have moderate stress and almost half of the studied nursing students have moderate resilience while almost two thirds of the studied students have high problematic use of mobile phone. Conclusion: There is a highly statistical significant positive correlation between problematic use of mobile phones and perceived stress while there is a highly statistically significant negative correlation between the total resilience and both perceived stress and problematic use of mobile phones. Recommendations: A stress management program should be applied as an immediate measure to reduce perceived stress and its effect in problematic use of mobile phone among nursing students.

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