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Dr. Ameer A Megahed

Personal Data
Name(Ar): امير احمد عبدالحميد مجاهد
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Animal medicine
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Farm Animals Internal Medicine
Minor Speciality: - Periparturient management, physiology, and diseases - Udder biology and health - Parturition physiology and management, and dystocia - Acid-base balance - Microbiome and metagenomics analysis - Infectious diseases epidemiology - Antibiotic resistance - Biostatistics (Inferential and Bayesian) using SAS, R, and beginner in Python; and bioinformatics
Current Position: Asst. Professor
job Status: On the job
Office address: Moshtohor-Toukh-Egypt
Mobile 1: 01010365064
Mobile 2: 010-8646253
Work phone: 0132461411
Fax: 0132460640
Alt. e-mail:
MIS Staff Data: Verification Link
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