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Prof. DR Amal abdelmohsen alzoghby :: Publications:

The effectiveness of a training program based on social cognitive learning theory in developing professional self-efficacy competence among students teachers of special education (learning difficulties
Authors: د امل عبد المحسن الزغبيAAalzoghby, amal abdelmohsen
Year: 2013
Keywords: teachers;learning difficulties;special education;professional self-efficacy competence
Journal: Journal of Al-Bahren for Psychological and educational sciences
Volume: 2
Issue: 15
Pages: 583- 627
Publisher: Al-Bahren university
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper amal abdelmohsen alzoghby_kafaa.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract The present study aimed t identify the effectiveness of a programme based on the social cognitive theory in enhancing the professional self competence of female student teachers who teach to learning disabilities pupils. To achieve this purpose, a sample of 49 female students of Taibah University, college of Education, was chosen, and divided into two groups; an experimental of 26 and a control of 23. A scale of professional self competence for the teacher of learning disabilities pupils was developed by the researcher and was administered on the sample. The proposed programme was administered on the experimental group. Then the scale was administered once again to assess the effectiveness of the programme in enhancing the group’s professional self competence. T-test was run to identify the differences between mean scores of both groups. Results showed that there are statistically significant mean differences in the different dimensions of the scale of professional self competence and in the scale as a whole. The difference was in favor of the students of the experimental group.

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