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Prof. Ali Y El-Etre :: Publications:

Corrosion inhibition of some metals using lawsonia extract.
Authors: El-Etre, A.Y., Abdallah, M., El-Tantawy, Z.E.
Year: 2005
Keywords: Natural products; Lawsonia; Corrosion inhibitor
Journal: Corrosion Science
Volume: 47
Issue: (2)
Pages: 85-395
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ali Y El-Etre_lawson.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The aqueous extract of the leaves of henna (lawsonia) is tested as corrosion inhibitor of C-steel, nickel and zinc in acidic, neutral and alkaline solutions, using the polarization technique. It was found that the extract acts as a good corrosion inhibitor for the three tested electrodes in all tested media. The inhibition efficiency increases as the added concentration of extract is increased. The degree of inhibition depends on the nature of metal and the type of the medium. For C-steel and nickel, the inhibition efficiency increases in the order: alkaline < neutral < acid, while in the case of zinc it increases in the order: acid < alkaline < neutral. The extract acts as a mixed inhibitor. The inhibitive action of the extract is discussed in view of adsorption of lawsonia molecules on the metal surface. It was found that this adsorption follows Langmuir adsorption isotherm in all tested systems. The formation of complex between metal cations and lawsone is also proposed as additional inhibition mechanism of C-steel and nickel corrosion.

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