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Dr. Ahmed Sayed Youssef Taha :: Publications:

Transformations in housing policies and their impact on the urban development and Real estate market in Egypt
Authors: Ahmed sayed youssef
Year: 2010
Keywords: Housing;urban development;Real estate
Journal: Al-Azhar engineering eleventh international confrence
Volume: 11
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 15
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Sayed Youssef Taha_azh.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract: Housing is one of the most important things of the necessities of life. It represents a dynamic problem develops with communities development to provide the variable needs of life. Housing issue is one of the most pressing issues facing the decision makers especially in the developing countries where the housing policies are related with the country role and responsibilities to meet the society needs, so housing is one of the important bases of the society security and safe. The housing policies often been related with the political contents and the economical system of the country. During the second half of the twentieth century Egypt has seen consequent fundamental changes and transformations in the housing policies through different periods of time, infecting with the country political and economical changes and the difference in the Egyptian circumstances and the priorities and ambitions of the society. These transformations have shared in the formation of the Egyptian Urbanism movement. Starting from the fiftieth of the nineteenth century stage using the Socialistic thought ideology as an anti-think against the capitalistic thought ideology, and passing through the transition conceptual toward economic openness during the period of the seventieth and eightieth of the nineteenth century and reaching the stage of economic reformation and setting the country economics free and transformation to the market mechanisms. From this view this research is working for explaining and analyzing these transformations in the housing policies and how these transformations affects the Egyptian society, the Urbanism movement and the real state market in Egypt. as an input to an extrapolation of contemporary Egyptian reality. The study concludes to provide a range of intellectual topics and guidelines for the development of contemporary housing policy.

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