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Dr. Ahmed Shawky Mohamed Awaad Mohamed Soliman :: Publications:

Experimental and numerical simulation of scour at bridge abutment provided with different arrangements of collars
Authors: T. Hemdan Nasr-Allah , Yasser Abdallah Mohamed Moussa ,*,G. Mohamed Abdel-Aal , A. Shawky Awad
Year: 2016
Keywords: Numerical models; Collar; Bridge abutments; Local scour; SSIIM
Journal: Alexandria Engineering Journal
Volume: 55
Issue: 55
Pages: 1455–1463
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Shawky Mohamed Awaad Mohamed Soliman_4- experimental and numerical simulation of scour at bridge abutment provided with different arrangements of collar.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this paper, the effects of different widths and lengths of collar around bridge abutment on local scour depth are studied numerically and experimentally. Numerical simulation of scour hole evolution at bridge abutment is more convenient than the experimental modeling, because the computational cost and time have significantly decreased. The numerical model solves 3-D Navier–Stokes equations and bed load conservation equation. The k–e turbulence model is used to solve the Reynolds-stress term. The simulated results are verified using the laboratory experiments. In addition, the multiple linear regressions are applied to correlate the maximum local scour depth with the other independent parameters. It was found that the relative length of collar 0.73 around bridge abutment reduces the maximum scour depth by 69% compared to no-collar case. Moreover, the results of 3-D numerical model and regression models agree well with the experimental data.

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