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Dr. Ahmed samir mahmoud ahmed :: Publications:

Optimize the structural, optical, and thermal properties of Nd3+ ions doped boro-aluminum- tungsten glass
Authors: M. Attallah, M. Farouk, A. Samir
Year: 2023
Keywords: Borate glass; Nd3+ ions; FTIR; Optical properties; Thermal stability.
Journal: Ceramics international
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed samir mahmoud ahmed_Paper 3- Ceramics International..jpg
Supplementary materials Ahmed samir mahmoud ahmed_Paper 3- Ceramics International..jpg

Melt-quenching techniques were employed to produce a series of Nd2O3 doped Al2O3–Na2O–WO3–B2O3 glasses. Structure, optical, and thermal properties were investigated to illustrate the effectiveness of the Nd3+ ions in enhancement performance and analyze their behavior. Nd2O3 demonstrably contributed to the composite, as evidenced by evaluating all features. The density marginally rises with the addition of Nd2O3 instead of B2O3. The relevant physical characteristics had been calculated. The structure was analyzed by FTIR measurement and identified the vibration modes of varied concentrations. From FTIR spectra, N4 values were reckoned, and the conversion of the network structure unit from BO3 to BO4 was verified. Numerous significant peaks have been caught in the absorption bands of the UV-Vis-NIR measurement. Optical bandgap and band tail are determined. DSC measurements were utilized to identify the thermal characteristics. As Nd3+ ions increased, glass thermal stability improved. Overall, the Nd3+ ion modifier rule was realized.

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