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Dr. Ahmed Samy Abdel-Azim Saad :: Publications:

Potency of bacteriospermia and Sperm Quality in Leukocytospermic infertile males
Authors: Abdel Monem M.O. 1, Saad A.S. 2, Saher A. Eissa 3 and El-Dougdoug K.A.
Year: 2013
Keywords: Bacteria; infertility; Leukocytospermia; Semen quality
Journal: life science journal
Volume: 10
Issue: 3
Pages: 1413-1419
Publisher: Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Samy Abdel-Azim Saad_bacteriospermia.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract: Male factors are known to contribute to infertility problem. Semen samples were obtained from 50 Leukocytospermic infertile men with (≥1x106 peroxidase positive WBC's/ml) attending Hawaa fertility center, Benha, Egypt. Semen samples were categorizedinto two infertile male cohorts, based on bacteriological culture, Group1: positive bacterial culture (n=31) and Group 2: negative bacterial culture (n=19) and the seminological parameters of the two infertile male cohorts were compared with healthy controls (n=50). Positive bacterial culture has been defined by pathologically significant bacterial growth (≥1x103 bacteria/ml). Statistically significant deteriorated volume (p

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