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Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Mustafa Abd Elwahab Khalil :: Publications:

Telemedicine during COVID-19: a survey of Health Care Professionals’ perceptions
Authors: Abdula Elawady, Ahmed Khalil, Omar Assaf, Samirah Toure, Christopher Cassidy
Year: 2020
Keywords: COVID-19; survey; remote consultation; telemedicine.
Journal: Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease
Volume: 90
Issue: 1528
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: pagepress
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Mohamed Mustafa Abd Elwahab Khalil_telemedicine paper.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

medicine solutions as an alternative to face-to-face consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of HCPs (Healthcare Professionals) were unfamiliar with Telemedicine prior to the cur- rent pandemic. Remote consultation is expected to continue for the foreseeable future, thus we designed this survey. A survey designed to evaluate the use of telephone consultation by HCPs, assessing its implementation, challenges and drawbacks. A web link survey con- ducted through SurveyMonkey was sent to HCPs across six UK Trusts the period of May 2020. The survey received 114 responses (84%) being doctors. 95% of respondents had not received training prior to engaging in telemedicine consultations. 64% were unaware of the updated General Medical Council guidance concerning ion was the inability to access patient records raised by 37% of respondents. However, 73% of respondents felt that patients under- stood their medical condition and the instructions given to them over the phone, and 70% agreed that videoconference consultations would add to patients care. Telemedicine can be used for selected groups of patients in the post COVID-19 era, and the HCPs carrying that should have the sufficient experience and knowledge expected to operate these clinics.

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