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Dr. Ahmed Farouk Ahmed Ibrahim :: Publications:

The Ratio Between Flexor And Extensor Muscle For Knee Joint As Abase To Improve Numric Level Acheivement For 110Meter /Hurdles Players
Authors: Ahmed Farouk Ahmed Ibrahim
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Farouk Ahmed Ibrahim_abc.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Introduction search Provide search: Is a field competitions and field competitions that have multiple problems of different Bmsabqatha both in the field or field urges experts and specialists working in this field to develop solutions objectively her, whether digital or skill or physical and requires the development of the most appropriate solutions and update methods of training operations with rationing loads to lift are sufficient performance to become the problems faced by the practitioner or the player solves a scientific and objective way and novelty in various competitions in general and in the area of track and field competitions in particular. We find that the human being is a complex structure of the object in all its aspects, physical and psychological, physiological and mechanical and requires further study to understand the composition of solving existing problems inside. And workers in the field of sports is on them to alert their ideas to the benefit of science and modern instruments, tools and theories and independent care to solve the kinetic problems through modern technological advances and more problems exposed during the preparation of athletes from physically or functional are the problems associated with loads of training and how to codify depending on the type of sports activity practitioner It has become accessible to the high levels of sports on the indicators of the progress of nations and advancement in various scientific and technological fields, including the field of sports. Training and Sports is the means by which the physical check adaptations of muscles desired for competitions faster .oiatmd knowledge related to the development of motor performance and how to determine the muscles working and the Holding to reach the best performance skills and speed the transition from high intensity to rest and relax. To get to the accomplishment and digital work to quickly kinetic performance and high efficiency

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