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Prof. Ahmed Abdel Fattah Mahmoud Ahmed :: Publications:

Proposed Correction Factors for Punching Shear Capacity of RC Flat Slabs with Shear Reinforcement
Authors: Yahya A. Elmoien, Ahmed A. Mahmoud, Osama O. El-Mahdy, Ahmed M. Salah
Year: 2022
Keywords: Punching shear; Flat slabs; Circular slabs; Circular columns; Shear studs; Stirrups; Shear reinforcement, Numerical modeling, Correction factors.
Journal: Engineering Research Journal (ERJ),
Volume: 51
Issue: 4
Pages: 8-18
Publisher: Engineering Research Journal (ERJ), Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Abdel Fattah Mahmoud Ahmed_Proposed Correction Factors for Punching Shear Capacity of RC Flat Slabs with Shear Reinforcement.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Punching shear is the main problem facing reinforced concrete (RC) flat slabs. There are many studies that investigate the punching shear of flat slabs in the normal cases, while there are very few studies that investigate circular flat slabs supported on circular columns. This paper investigates the effect of: (1) steel shear studs; (2) steel stirrups; (3) main reinforcement details and (4) shear reinforcement arrangement on the punching shear resistance of circular RC flat slabs. An experimental program was conducted by the authors and the obtained results are compared with the numerical results using ANSYS V. 15, as well as the analytical results using the American and the Egyptian codes of standards. The obtained results show that punching shear strength increased when using steel shear reinforcement (studs and stirrups) by 9% to 57%. Toughness and displacement ductility improved by 31% to 333 % and 85 to 121%, respectively. Both codes overestimate the ultimate failure load for the range of the studied variables in this research and not in general.

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