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Prof. Ahmed Eid Adly Ali :: Publications:

Psychological stress and its relationship with burnout and confidence sports of water polo players
Authors: ahmed eid
Year: 2013
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ahmed Eid Adly Ali_paper 2.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Introduction Studies in the field of psychological stress began during the past few years in focus on the positive aspects of the personal (6: 389) Individual in his life is faced by many stressful situations which includes unwanted experiences in all fields of life. (3 : 155 ) The burnout in the sports field is response characterized by intellectual and emotive exhaustion that appear as a result of repeated great effort inefficient to confront training and competition requirements (2: 16) Osama Rateb he thinks that the burnout serve as the case of exhaustion in physical and intellectual aspects that lead to negative concept about the same person added to the formation of negative attitudes towards work and life and other people, as well as the lack of idealism and feeling of anger . (1) Research problem Various psychological pressures faced by water polo players during the playing situations during training and matches affect their psychological state largely and may reflected on their performance in general And perhaps even to their absences , leaving the game or the team defeat. The psychological state greatly affect the physical condition where the decline state lead to a decline in physical condition , and if they could not overcome this pressures could lead to a breakdown in their psychological state or occring to them the so-called the burnout , The researcher believes that sporting confidence also has a big role in facing of stress and burnout for water polo players , Low level of sporting confidence may lead to loss of player capacity to confront the psychological pressures that are exposing and therefore may happen to him burn out.

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