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Dr. Ahmed Elsayed Abd Elghafar Elhadary :: Publications:

Using RTK and VRS in direct geo-referencing of the UAV imagery
Authors: M Rabah;M Basiouny;E Ghanem;A Elhadary
Year: 2018
Keywords: UAV photogrammetry; UAV imagery; Direct Geo-referencing; DG
Journal: NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Elsayed Abdelghafar Elhadary_Using RTK & VRS in direct geo-referencing of the UAV imagery.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Direct Geo-Referencing is a new technique in photogrammetry, especially in the aerial photogrammetry. Unlike the Aerial Triangulation “AT”, this method does not require Ground Control Points “GCPs”, to process aerial photographs into desired ground coordinates systems. Compared with the old method, this method has four main advantages: faster field work, faster data processing, simple workflow and less cost. Generally, direct geo-referencing using two systems, Global Navigational Satellite Systems “GNSS” and Inertial Navigational System “INS”. GNSS recording the camera coordinates “X, Y, Z”, and INS recording the camera orientation angles “w, φ, k” at the time of exposure. These parameters merged and are provided to each photograph in the processing stage. The current paper investigates the using GNSS system for providing the linear exterior orientation “EO” parameters “X, Y, Z” by two techniques, real time kinematic “RTK” and virtual reference system “VRS”. The accuracy of the applied method is tested on topographic survey project in Switzerland. The surveyed data of the specified project were collected by amateur digital camera Canon 18.2 MP, 182 captured images from approximately 85 m flight height, 18 Ground Check Point “GCP” determined by static GNSS. Horizontal accuracy is 0.029 m for VRS case, 0.034 m for RTK case and vertical accuracy is 0.026 m for VRS case, 0.029 for RTK case.

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