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Dr. Adel Mohammed Abdel-Aziz El-Newishy :: Publications:

Survey on Zoonotic Intestinal Parasites of Cattle in Qualubia Governorate
Authors: Abdel-Aziz A. M.
Year: 2004
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Benha Vet. Med. J.
Volume: Vol.64
Issue: No.2
Pages: 171-175
Publisher: Benha univ.
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Adel Mohammed Abdel-Aziz El-Newishy_cattle.DOC
Supplementary materials Not Available

One hundred and fifty fecal samples were randomly collected and examined for ova and cysts of intestinal parasites of cattle of different population densities, with different human contacts and in different ecological conditions at Qualubia Governorate. Six species of parasites were recorded (Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Balantidium coli, Enterobius spp., Trichuris spp. and Hookworms). 80,60,43,26,16,8 samples gave positive results to Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Balantidium coli, Enterobius sp., Trichuris sp. and Hookworms, with infection rates of (53%,40%,28.5%,14.5%,10.5%,5%) respectively. Out of 150 human contacts 33,45,6,1,20,13 gave positive results, with infection rates of 22%,30%,4%,0.6%,13%,8.5 % respectively. The highest infection rate of human with the parasites that affected animals in Qualubia Governorate was in Tukh followed by Shebein el-kanater, Kaha, Qualub, Kafr shukr, then Benha. Most of the parasites recorded in cattle were also recorded in humans in the areas of study.

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