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Prof. Adel Mohmoud (Nasr El Din) Ibrahim Badawy :: Publications:

Computed Tomographic Anatomy of the Fore Foot in One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedrus)"
Authors: A M Badawy
Year: 2011
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Global Veterinaria
Volume: 6
Issue: 4
Pages: 417-423
Publisher: © IDOSI Publications
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Adel Mohmoud (Nasr El Din) Ibrahim Badawy_CT FOOT.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The purposes of this study was to describe and identify , the complex anatomical structures of digits and foot pad of the fore limb in one-humped camel by using the computed tomography scan (CT scan) and gross anatomy, which would be used in diagnosis of foot and footpad disorders. The study was performed on three pairs of camel's fore feet. Transverse and sagital CT images were obtained by using Hitachi-CXR4Multi-Slice CT Scanner. The different anatomical structures of the digits and footpad were identified in the frozen sections, the fixed slices and the dissected specimens. The CT images were compared with the corresponding sections at the same levels and selected for their identity and photographed. The analogous anatomical structures were identified on the transverse and sagital slices and labeled with the corresponding structures on the CT images. Results revealed that, the frontal tip of each digit was covered by a characteristic small nail. The distal and middle phalanges were horizontally situated, while the proximal phalanx obliquely positioned. Their planter surfaces were separated from the ground by foot pad. Three digital cushions enclosed in a common capsule were found underneath each digit. On CT images, the inner structures of the foot and foot pad were appeared with various gray scales. It was concluded that, camel has unique feet morphological peculiarities. CT was efficient imaging modality that provides a cross-sectional image with superior soft tissue differentiation and no superimposition of the overlying structures, which can be used for better diagnosis of foot and foot pad abnormalities.

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