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Dr. Abd El Nasser Saber Abd El Fatah :: Publications:

Angular Distribution and Transverse Momenta of Projectile Fragments of Oxygen Nucleus Collided with Emulsion at 3.7A GeV
Authors: A. Abdelsalam, M. S. El-Nagdy, A. M. Abdalla and A. Saber
Year: 2019
Keywords: projectile fragmentation, Transverse-momentum, angular distributions, mechanism and angular distributions.
Journal: Journal of Modern Trends in Physics Research (International Conference)
Volume: Online: 2019-10-15
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 7
Publisher: Journal of (Cairo University Faculty of Science)
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Abd El Nasser Saber Abd El Fatah_7- Angular Distribution and Transverse Momenta of Projectile Fragments of Oxygen.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Transverse-momentum and angular distributions of all residual charges due to fragmentations for 16O projectile on emulsion at 3.7A GeV are recorded and compared with that obtained for 12C, 22Ne, 24Mg and 28Si at the same momentum. The experimental parameters that indicate the mechanism responsible for projectile fragmentation are discussed. The effect of target size on fragmentation process for both 16O and 24Mg projectiles are studied. The results, in the given range of masses and energy show that there is unified mechanism responsible for projectile fragmentation.

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