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Dr. Heba Eissa Abdel Hamid Abdallah :: Publications:

Social justice and a new contribution to the interior designer's role in new local communities
Authors: Awaad Ismail, Elansary Alaa; Eissa Heba
Year: 2019
Keywords: Social Justice, Social Needs, Social responsible design, Interior Urbanism.
Journal: International Design journal
Volume: 9
Issue: 1 January 2019
Pages: 10
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Heba essa Abdel Hamid Abdallah_Social justice and a new contribution to the interior designer's role in new local communities.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Design for Social Justice is a growing movement and emerging field that works locally and inclusively with and for communities, stakeholders, and audiences from the ground up; advocates for those who are marginalized; and, uses the challenges inherent in daily life to activate change and motivate impact, social justice is not a form of charity but It is a belief that all human beings have fundamental rights to be treated with dignity and to have a sense of identity in their daily lives, In addition, it is the right of all people to be treated equitably in terms of resources and circumstances so that they can enjoy a basic standard of living that provides security, shelter and comfort

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