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Assist. Eman Salah Abdelghany :: Publications:

Development of a technique for interseptal immediate dental implantation and titanium crown restoration in dogs: Experimental studies
Authors: Eman S.A.Mohamed , Ahmed M.E.Shraki , Adel M.Badawy
Year: 2023
Keywords: Development ;Technique ;Immediate - Interseptal ;Dental- Implants ;Dogs
Journal: Benha Veterinary Medical Journal
Volume: 44
Issue: 2
Pages: 97-102
Publisher: Eman S.A.Mohamed
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Eman Salah Abdelghany_BVMJ_Volume 44_Issue 2_Pages 97-102.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Dental implants are implant fixtures that replace the missing teeth, and inserted into the underlying bone to support the prosthesis. The aim of the present study is the development of a suitable technique for interseptal immediate dental implant placement in dogs, the identification of an exact location that is suited for the implants, and the demonstration of the step-by step clinical procedure. Six dental implants of (SLA) type were used in this study. Two pieces of titanium dental implants were implanted in three adult healthy dogs (one implant for each side) in the lower jaw. The implants were placed in two groups, group (A) without using of alendronate, and group (B) using alendronate. To describe the developed technique for interseptal immediate implantation in these dogs, the suitability, the stability, and the clinical effects were recorded just before the procedure, and after the implantation at zero day, 30, 60 and 90 days. At the 90thday, tooth impressions were taken on the abutment of the implant for restoration of the extracted crown by titanium crown. The technique developed for immediate interseptal implant in this study was anatomically feasible, no blood vessels or nerves in the course of the pilot-drill, and subsequently the implant. The implants in group (A) were more stable than those in group (B). All the implants of group (A) were successfully fixed in place, while those of group (B) were failed. In conclusion, the use of interseptal immediate dental implant placement was suitable, feasible and accessible in dogs

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