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Prof. zeinab feisal abd elkader :: Workshops / Conferences:

Type: workshop
Name: Leadership code
Start Date: 2020-07-16
End Date: 2020-07-16
Report: zeinab feisal abd elkader_The leadership code.pdf
Note: RULE 1: SHAPE THE FUTURE Where is your company headed? What is the direction of your career? Leaders are strategists, they answer the questions ‘where are we going?’ As practical futurists, they figure out what the organization needs to succeed and map the direction they must go based on current and planned resources. They work effectively with others to figure out how to get from the present to the desired future. RULE 2: MAKE THINGS HAPPEN How will you make sure you get to where you’re going? If you are a leader that makes things happen you are an executor (as in, one who executes). Executors translate strategy into action. They put systems in place that help others do the same. They focus on getting things done. RULE 3: ENGAGE TODAY’S TALENT Who are the right people for your organization? Leaders that optimize today’s talent are referred to as talent managers. They understand what skills are required to carry out their mission, and they know how to attract the right talent to their organization. RULE 4: BUILD THE NEXT GENERATION Who stays and sustains the next generation? Leaders with this focus are human capital developers. They ensure long-term leadership development and focus on assuring the growth and progress of their organization. They can spot future talent and understand how to develop those who possess it. RULE 5: INVEST IN YOURSELF This rule is the center of The Leadership Code and promotes personal proficiency. Leaders are learners: they learn from their successes and from failures, they read books, take classes and learn from life itself. “Effective leaders inspire loyalty and goodwill in others because they themselves act with integrity and trust.” They are decisive and have a passion for making bold and courageous moves.
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