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University News Archive (Nov. - 2017)

Nov. News List

“We aspire to have qualified graduates for the labor market” says El-kady in the meeting of quality assurance units managers
28 -Nov. - 2017
The final nominees for the deanship position of the faculty of engineering
28 -Nov. - 2017
Fulbright scholarship announced for 2018
27 -Nov. - 2017
A workshop to be held about Microsoft services
27 -Nov. - 2017
Saving 14 million L.E is a great challenge
27 -Nov. - 2017
Three times for conducting the exams to accommodate all the students
27 -Nov. - 2017
The population indicator's forum to be held in 19-12-2017 under the auspices of the University president
27 -Nov. - 2017
Benha university president witnesses a workshop of medical computerization
22 -Nov. - 2017
“Citizens complacency about the hospitals is our priority” says EL-kady in the faculty of medicine' council
22 -Nov. - 2017
The heads of quality management centers in the Egyptian universities are welcomed in Benha University in 27-11-2017
23 -Nov. - 2017
One minute stand in respect of the EL-Rowda mosque martyrs on Sunday
26 -Nov. - 2017
Excellence day ceremony to be held in Benha University
29 -Nov. - 2017
A committee to be formed to take over the supervision of the students' elections in Benha University
28 -Nov. - 2017
The inauguration of proceeding of the fifth forum of quality assurance managers of the Universities in Benha University
28 -Nov. - 2017
Inaugurating a branch of Conifishuous institute in the faculty of arts
28 -Nov. - 2017
Strategic planning forum in the faculty of veterinary medicine
15 -Nov. - 2017
350 L.E pound paid as a bonus to the employees on the occasion of the prophet's birth
15 -Nov. - 2017
Benha University's council visits 57357 hospital next Monday
15 -Nov. - 2017
Benha University obtains the second place in the contest of programming in the student creative forum in the AUC
15 -Nov. - 2017
For the first time, banning the exams tents in Benha University
15 -Nov. - 2017
Three faculties in Benha university asks for the amendments of bylaws to start in the E-learning
16 -Nov. - 2017
El-kady asks for more cooperation between the National service projects organization and Benha University
16 -Nov. - 2017
Benha university president hosts several students and urges them to fight corruption
16 -Nov. - 2017
A professor in Benha University gets the fund of the National Natural science foundation of China
19 -Nov. - 2017
Increasing the scholarships between Benha University and the central university of China
19 -Nov. - 2017
The exams of the faculty of veterinary medicine will be held in 21-12-2017
19 -Nov. - 2017
“Developing the resources and renewing the accreditation is our priority” says the dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine
19 -Nov. - 2017
Abd EL-Halim EL-Kasaby is nominated to win Benha University's award
19 -Nov. - 2017
A Last extension of the best links of the faculties' members contest lasts for the end of November
20 -Nov. - 2017
Finishing the pillars of population committee in Benha University
20 -Nov. - 2017
Endorsing the strategic plan of the faculty of computer and informatics
20 -Nov. - 2017
Congratulations to the IT unit in the faculty of physical education no their excellence
20 -Nov. - 2017
A workshop to be held in 22-11-2017 on how to win the best links of the faculties' members contest
20 -Nov. - 2017
A reminder of the second training course about developing the mobile applications starting from 13-11-2017
12 -Nov. - 2017
Establishing a unit to commercialize the scientific researches in Benha University
14 -Nov. - 2017
Benha university's Job vacancies
14 -Nov. - 2017
Benha university establishes a center of innovation and creation
12 -Nov. - 2017
The result of the citation contests for july-2017
13 -Nov. - 2017
EL-Kady calls to employ the craftsmen to revitalize the traditional industries in the villages
13 -Nov. - 2017
The candidature is open for the deanship position in the faculty of engineering
13 -Nov. - 2017
Benha university president discusses the pillars of the population indicator forum
14 -Nov. - 2017
“Excellent hostels and fewer complaints: is the motto of the university president's visit to the university hostels
14 -Nov. - 2017
A workshop entitled “how to avoid plagiarism”
15 -Nov. - 2017
The Higher education announces the long term Egyptian –German dispatch program- GERLS for 2018
12 -Nov. - 2017
The meeting of population indicators committee
12 -Nov. - 2017
A consistent exhibition of Benha university's products
8 -Nov. - 2017
“We seek to reinforce our relationships with Nile Basin countries” says Benha university president
8 -Nov. - 2017
33,000 patients are in Benha university hospitals
8 -Nov. - 2017
A big boom at the medical education unit in the faculty of medicine
8 -Nov. - 2017
EL-Kady invites the Egyptian Universities to participate in anti-terrorism workshops
8 -Nov. - 2017
Five scholarships offered from Benha University to Somalia
8 -Nov. - 2017
The leaders' council approves on EL-Kady's suggestion to offer 100 scholarships to Africa
8 -Nov. - 2017
The faculty of veterinary medicine's teamwork for the Brucella project
8 -Nov. - 2017
A comprehensive security plan to secure Benha University
8 -Nov. - 2017
Reopening the door to apply to more big projects- serving research proposal for one month
6 -Nov. - 2017
Free scholarships for Benha University top students
6 -Nov. - 2017
EL-Kady's interview on “Sada-El-Balad” Channel
6 -Nov. - 2017
International Credit Mobility (ICM)
21 -Nov. - 2017
EL-Kady's interview on “Cairo” Channel
6 -Nov. - 2017
The workshops on how to win the contest of the best links of the faculties' members on Wednesday, 8-11-2017
6 -Nov. - 2017
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD)
21 -Nov. - 2017
Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)
21 -Nov. - 2017
Banning those who bring before investigation from entering the University
7 -Nov. - 2017
Jean Monnet Activities (JMA)
21 -Nov. - 2017
A supreme committee to develop Benha university resources
8 -Nov. - 2017
Benha University's leaders council
8 -Nov. - 2017
EL-Kady honors two workers in Benha University
8 -Nov. - 2017
Inventing a robot for curing the patients by the student of the faculty of engineering
5 -Nov. - 2017
The final candidates of the nominees of the deanship position in the faculty of applied arts
5 -Nov. - 2017
The final candidates of the nominees of the deanship position in the faculty of specific education
5 -Nov. - 2017
A workshop for enabling the university hostels in Benha University to get the ISO
2 -Nov. - 2017
555 patients are in the intensive care of Benha university hospitals last September
2 -Nov. - 2017
Extending the contest of the best links of the faculties' members for two weeks
2 -Nov. - 2017
The cooperation with king Abd EL-Aziz University in Saudi Arabia
1 -Nov. - 2017
Benha University's council approves to host a professor of Chinese language in the faculty of arts
1 -Nov. - 2017
A new initiative in Benha University entitled “fighting terrorism”
1 -Nov. - 2017
Carrying out the strategic plan of Benha University next December
1 -Nov. - 2017
EL-kady congratulates EL-Nashar on being a president of the technological studies sector
1 -Nov. - 2017
A big ceremony of October war in Benha University
1 -Nov. - 2017
Funding opportunity - The European Union launches new Horizon 2020 Work Programme for Research & Innovation 2018-2020
2 -Nov. - 2017

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