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Dr. Marwa Yusuf Abdelraouf Mohamed :: Publications:

Towards automatic binary runtime loop de-parallelization using on-stack replacement
Authors: Marwa Yusuf; Ahmed El-Mahdy; Erven Rohou
Year: 2019
Keywords: compilers; parallelization; optimization; on-stack replacement; binary
Journal: Information Processing Letters
Volume: Not Available
Issue: 145
Pages: 53-57
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Marwa Yusuf Abdelraouf Mohammed_9-Towards automatic binary runtime loop de-parallelization using on-stack replacement.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Runtime compilation has opportunities to parallelize code which are generally not available using static parallelization approaches. However, the parallelized code can possibly slowdown the performance due to unforeseen parallel overheads such as synchronization and speculation support pertaining to the chosen parallelization strategy and the underlying parallel platform. Moreover, with the wide usage of heterogeneous architectures, such choice options become more pronounced. In this paper, we consider an adaptive form of the parallelization operation, for the first time. We propose a method for performing on-stack de-parallelization for a parallelized binary loop at runtime, thereby allowing for rapid loop replacement with a more optimized one. For this paper, we consider a loop parallelization strategy and propose a corresponding de-parallelization method. The method relies on stopping the execution at safe points, gathering threads’ states, producing a corresponding serial code, and continuing execution serially. The decision to deparallelize or not is taken based on the anticipated speedup. To assess the extent of our approach, we have conducted an initial study on a small set of programs with various parallelization overheads. Results show up to 4× performance improvement for a synchronization intense program on a 4-core Intel processor.

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