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Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Publications:

Identifying the molecular markers of RAPD type linked to resistance to heat stress and daily body gains in rabbits - 2012
Authors: Khalil M.H., Al-Saef A.M., El-Zarie M.F.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Rabbits, Crossbreeding, Heritabilties, EBV, RAPD marker, Heat stress, Daily gain
Journal: 1st International Conference On Biotechnology Applications In Agriculture, Session of Molecular Genetics and Tissue Culture, Hurghada 18-22, February 2012, Egypt,
Volume: 1
Issue: Not Available
Pages: pp 7-12
Publisher: Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, Egypt
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil_2012 - Identifying the molecular markers of RAPD type linked to resistance to heat stress and daily body gains in rabbits.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Five-years crossing scheme involving the Spanish V-line (V) and Saudi Gabali (S) rabbits was practiced to produce new synthetic lines named Saudi-2 with structure of ((¾V¼S)2 ) 2 to be used as a maternal line. A total of 622 animals from Saudi-2 were used to perform both phenotypic and molecular analysis. From Operon Technologies, Alameda, 40 RAPD primers (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) were used to amplify to determine which primers can be used as genetic marker to differentiate between individuals of Saudi-2 and to study the association between these markers and daily gain rate traits and measures of respiration rates and body temperatures as indicator to heat stress resistance (respiration rates at 6 and 12 weeks of age, rectum temperature at 6 and 12 weeks of age, ear temperature at 6 and 12 weeks of age). DNA from grandsons of four sires was used to determine which primers out of 40 primers were amplified. Five markers (OPA121500, OPA191100, OPA201200, OPF09700 and OPF12900) were used later to search for the presence or absence of these markers in 618 grand progenies from the 5th generation of Saudi-2 line. Data of phenotypic values were analyzed using MTDFREML program to estimate the breeding values (EBV) of each animal for each studied trait. Linkage analyses between EBV and present or absent of markers bands were performed finally using multiple regression analysis. In general, results of molecular analyzes indicate that using RAPD markers was successfully linked to both body temperature and daily gain rate traits.

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