You are in:Home/Publications/Genetic evaluation of crossbreeding project involving Saudi and Spanish V-line rabbits to synthesize new maternal lines in Saudi Arabia: I. Pre-weaning litter, lactation traits and feeding parameters - 2005

Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Publications:

Genetic evaluation of crossbreeding project involving Saudi and Spanish V-line rabbits to synthesize new maternal lines in Saudi Arabia: I. Pre-weaning litter, lactation traits and feeding parameters - 2005
Authors: Khalil M.H., Garcia M.L., Al-Dobaib S.N., AL-Homidan A.H., Baselga M.
Year: 2005
Keywords: Crossbreeding project, litter traits, lactation, feed consumption and conversion, Animal model.
Journal: 4th International Conference of Rabbit Production in Hot Climate, 24-27 February, Sharm El-Sheigh, Egypt,
Volume: 1
Issue: Not Available
Pages: pp 89-99
Publisher: Egyptian Rabbit Science Association
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil_2005 - Genetic evaluation of crossbreeding project involving Saudi and Spanish V-line rabbits - Pre-weaning litter.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

A four-year crossbreeding project involving Spanish maternal line called V-line (V) and Saudi Gabali (G) rabbits was carried out to produce ten genetic groups of V, G, 1/2VAG, 14G1/2V, 3/4TAG, 3/4G1AV, ( %/1/2G) 2, (1/2G1/2V) 2, (3/4V1/4G) 2 and (4GY4V) 2, Litter size at birth (LSB) and weaning (LSW), litter weight at birth (LWB) and weaning (LVVW), pre-weaning litter survival (PLS), total milk yield (TMY), milk conversion ratio (MCR), pre-vveaning total (TFC) and daily (DFC) feed consumption per litter, feed conversion ratios per kg of litter weight at weaning (FCRLVVVV), and conversion ratios of feed to milk (FMCR) or litter gain (FLGCR) were evaluated for 2441 litters of 854 does fathered by 142 sires and mothered by 351 dams. An animal model was used to estimate the heritabilities and a generalized least square procedure was used to estimate direct additive effects (j ), maternal additive effects ( ), individual (I-II) and maternal (1-r) heterosis, and direct recombination effect (R5). Groups of Y2G1/2V and 3AGY.N recorded the highest performances in LSB, [SW, LVVB, and LVVW, while groups of 3/4G1/4V and (3/4GY4V)2 recorded the highest litter survival and milk yield. The least values in litter traits were recorded for group of (AVIAG)2. Among different crossbred does, genetic group of 3/IGYIV recorded relatively the highest feed consumption with favourable feed conversion ratios, while those of (374V1/4G)2 group recorded the lowest feed consumption per litter with the lowest conversion ratios of feed to litter gain. Estimates of DLG. for most litter traits, lactation and feeding parameters were significantly moderate in favour of V-line does; being 1.05 young, 247 g, 10.7 litter, 319 g, 0.185, 573 g, -16.9 g, and -0.287 in LSB, LWB, PLS, TMY, MLGCR, TFC, DEC and FIVICR, respectively. Considerable significant estimates of ...vt were also in favour of V-line dams for LSVV (1.02 young) and PLS (9.9 litter). Estimates of for litter traits were positive and most of them were significant (P

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