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Dr. Fikry Gomaa Aly Metwally :: Publications:

Maximizing the Project Profitability by Genetic Algorithm
Authors: 4. Metwally, Fikry
Year: 2006
Keywords: construction, project profitability, resource allocation and leveling, genetic algorithms.
Journal: Ain Shams Journal of Civil Engineering
Volume: Vol. 41
Issue: No. 1, 31March
Pages: 247-262
Publisher: Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Fikry Gomaa Aly Metwally_3.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Most contractors would agree that achieving maximum profitability in construction projects simply is no accident. One of the most vital aspects of achieving maximum profitability is the ability to achieve efficient use of resources and minimizing project duration. Therefore, a schedule that efficiently employs limited resources avoids daily fluctuation, and reduces project duration is eventually less costly. This paper presents a method that mimics increasing the project profitability by resource allocation, resource leveling and minimizing project duration. This method uses a genetic algorithm technique as an alternative to use the heuristic methods commonly employed in professional practice. The genetic algorithms techniques are developed by a computer program. The capabilities of the present program are demonstrated through an example application.

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