Statement of Prof. Eman Mokhtar Ali Abou El Ghait:

Personal Informations:

Name(Ar): إيمان مختار على أبو الغيط
Faculty: Agriculture
Department: Horticulture
Academic degree: PhD
Major Speciality: Floriculture, aromatic and medicinal plants
Minor Speciality: Floriculture and landscape gardening
Current position: Prof. Emeritus
Office address: Faculty of Agriculture - Moshtohor, Toukh, Kalyoubia,13736 ,Egypt
Work phone: 0132460306
Fax: 0132467786

Academic Positions:

Position Organization Country From To
Demonstrator Fac.of Agric Moshtohor Egypt 1976-1-1 1980
M.Sc Benha Univ.Fac.of Agric. Moshtohor Egypt 1980-1-1 1985
PhD in Horticulture (Ornament Benha Univ.Fac.of Agric. Moshtohor Egypt 1986-1-1 1990
Associate Professor Benha Univ.Fac.of Agric. Moshtohor Egypt 1990-1-1 1994
Prof.of Horticulture(Ornament Benha Univ.Fac.of Agric. Moshtohor Egypt 1994-1-1 1970-01-01

Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
-Participate in the Conference of Egyptian Cut Flower Export Industry Strategic action Plan 1999
Participate in the Conference of Egyptian Cut Flower Export Industry Strategic action Plan 1999
Participate and one of the Cut Flower Team Member of Agricultural Technology Utilization and Transfer Project (ATUT)USAID Project No. 263-0240 Ministry of Agricultural and Land Reclamation from November , 1998
Training in Faculty and Leadership Project (FLDP)Banha University from 18
Participate in Preparing the Strategic action Plan 1 Egyptian cut Flowers Export industry from 8
Participate in Preparing the Strategic action Plan 1 Egyptian cut Flowers Export industry from 8
Training for Electron Microscope TEM&X-Ray Microanalysis System from in Faculty of Science Alexandria University 5
Precipitate in Training of Trainers workshop and Practical Vision of Developing Small Cut Flower Growers and Employment 0
Participate in Supervision on Farm Management of Horticulture Department at Faculty of Agriculture Moshtohor 0
Participate and one of the Cut Flower Team Member of Agricultural Technology Utilization and Transfer Project (ATUT)USAID Project No. 263-0240 Ministry of Agricultural and Land Reclamation from 0
-Precipitate in Training of Trainers workshop and Practical Vision of Developing Small Cut Flower Growers and Employment 0
Participate in Supervision on Farm Management of Horticulture Department at Faculty of Agriculture Moshtohor. 0

Educational details:

Institution Degree Year
Last:Zagazig Univ. Benha branch PhD 1985
Zagazig Univ. Benha branch MSc 1981
Helwan Univ. BSc 1976

Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award

Committees details:

Committee Year

Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2013
1-Traveling to U.S.A from July to October1990 and from June to August 1991 for Tourism and I Had Visited the Nurseries, Green House, Open Areas for Flowers and Green Leaves Production
Scientific Activities of 1990
2-Traveling to U.S.A from July to October1990 and from June to August 1991 for Tourism and I Had Visited the Nurseries, Green House, Open Areas for Flowers and Green Leaves Production
Scientific Activities of 15
3-Spent 10 Days from 15 till 29 June 1997 in Italy (university of Bologna)with Dr. Chiosuli For Supervision on Student Studied Landscape of Kinder Gardens For Children from3-6 years old.
4-Spent 10 Days from 15 till 29 June 1997 in Italy (university of Bologna)with Dr. Chiosuli For Supervision on Student Studied Landscape of Kinder Gardens For Children from3-6 years old
