Publication From Year: Publication TO Year:

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Department of Surgery

Total number of Publications in the Department of Surgery - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is 175

Adel Mohamed Sayed Ahmed Al-Akraa
Local Publication (7)
International Publication (13)
Total (20)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Retrospective Study on some Prevalent Musculocautaneous Neoplasm in Dogs Adel. M. Al-akraa*,1 and Shawky A. Mostafa2 2015 International
2 An assessment of the effect of synthetic material in urinary bladder wall. AJU Vol, 6 No 1, P: 56-58. Abdel Wahab.O and Al-Akraa.A 2008 Local
3 ANGIOGRAPHY OF THE FORE DIGITS IN EGYPTIAN WATER BUFFALO (BOSBUBALIS) Anwar. A. El-Shafey1; Samer.M.Daghash2 and Adel. M. Al-Akraa3 2015 International
4 Arthrography and Arthrosonography of the Friesian cattle (Bos taurus) carpus Adel. M. Al-akraa1; Abdelhaleem. H. El-kasapy1&*and Anwar. A. El-Shafey2 2015 International
5 Arthroscopy of septic carpitis in donkeys (Equus asinus) ElkasapyA.H. ElkasapyA.H. Elkasapy A.H. ElkasapyA.H. ElkasapyA.H. ElkasapyA.H. ElkasapyA.H. Elkasapy A.H. Elkasapy1,* 1,*, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGal 2015 International
6 Arthroscopy of septic carpitis in donkeys (Equus asinus) ElkasapyA.H. ElkasapyA.H. Elkasapy A.H. ElkasapyA.H. ElkasapyA.H. ElkasapyA.H. ElkasapyA.H. Elkasapy A.H. Elkasapy1,* 1,*, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGalil, A.I. AbdelGal 2015 International
7 Clinical, hematobiochemical and histopathological changes in goats with surgically- induced unilateral Hydronephrosis. Ghanem, M. M.1, Hayat Fayed1, Abdel-Raof, Y. M.1, El-Attar, H. M.1 and Al-Akraa, A. M.2 2015 International
9 Experimental Nutritional Osteodystrophy in Pupples Clinical, Biochemical, Radiographical and Necropsy Studies. The First Sci. Conf., Fac. Vet. Med. Moshtohor, Benha Univ. – Ras Sedr, sept. 1-4. 1950 Local
10 Hepatosonography and Computed Tomography in Feline Al-Akraa, A.M.¹, Ghanem, M.M², El-gezery, M.M³ 2015 International
11 Influence of ketamine, thiopental or propofol anaesthesia on acute phase proteins in buffalo calves Khalid Fararh3*, Adel Al-Akraab, Atef Abd-Algalilh 2011 International
12 Intra-Articular Injection, Computed Tomography and Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Metacarpus and Digits of the Cattle (Bostaurus) and Buffalo (Bosbubalis) 1Adel M. Al-Akraa, IAbdelhaleem H. El-Kasapy and2Anwar A. El-Shafey 2014 International
13 Management of Dystocia in Small Ruminants. Zag. Vet. J. (ISSN 1110-1458) Vol. 32 No. 1: 146-154. 1950 Local
14 Management of Some Para-Rectal and Vaginal Swellings in Farm Animals. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc. 62, No 6c: 165-183. 2002 Local
15 Standard Herniorrhaphy, Polypropylene Mesh and Tension Band for Repair of Perineal Hernia in Dogs Thirty seven intact male dogs were presented by perineal hernia. Nine of them were suffered from bilateral (24.3%) and the remaining cases were unilateral condition (75.7). All cases were subjected to repair of the perineal hernia, standard herniorrhaphy 2015 International
16 Surgical Interference and Histopathologic Diagnosis of Some Swellings of the Head Region in Donkeys. Zag. Vet. J. (ISSN 1110-1458) Vol. 28 No. 1: 33-50. 1950 Local
17 Surgical management of pectoral limb long bone fractures in dogs: Clinical and Radiographical studies. A b o u -E l-F e to u h ., M .M 1; A l-A k ra a ., A .M 1 a n d G a d a lla h ., S .M 2 2015 International
18 Synthetic material sling effects in urinary bladder wall. Benha M.J, Vol22 No1, P: 829- 832. Abdel Wahab. O; El-Shazly.A; El-Gamal. K and Al-Akraa .A 2005 Local
19 The Sedative and Analgesic Effects of Romifidine in Donkeys. Benha Vet. Med. J. Vol. 16 No. 2: 232-246. 1950 Local
20 ULTRASONOGRAPHIC IMAGING OF THE NORMAL STIFLE JOINT IN BUFFALOES (BOS BUBALIS) Sherif, M.S.a, Metwally, M.A.a, Bahgat, H.a and Al Akraa, A.M. 2014 International
gafar khaled
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (0)
Total (0)
Samy Fargaly Ismail Abed El Wahab
Local Publication (28)
International Publication (0)
Total (28)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 - Hyphema in domestic animals. Assuit Vet. Med. J., Vol . 24, No.47, pp. 233-241 . 1990 Local
2 - Infectious Caprine Keratoconjuctivitis. Assuit Vet. Med. J., Vol .28, No.56, pp.264-271. 1993 Local
3 - Ocular Habronemiasis in Equine. Twenty Second Arab. Vet. Med. Cong., J. Egyptian Vet. Med. Asso., Vol. 55 , No. 1,2 , pp.691-701. 1995 Local
4 - Some observations on cutaneous neoplasms in the cows at Kalupia provience . Zagazig Vet. J. , Vol . 18 , No . 2 , pp . 99 - 113 ( ) . 1990 Local
5 - Some troubles of the salivary glands and their ducts in large animals. Benha Vet. Med. J., Vol .II, No.I .,pp. 68 - 76 . 1991 Local
6 A clinical aspect in the management of some tumours in donkeys .Assuit Vet, Med. J.,Vol .31, No.62, pp.206-214. 1994 Local
7 A study of some surgical affections of the tail in some domestic animals. Assuit Vet. Med. J., Vol . 25, No. 49, pp. 178-188 . 1991 Local
8 A study on some indications of casearean section in some farm animals. Third Scientific Congress. Egyptian Society for Cattle Diseases, Assuit Univ. Egypt, pp 379-387 . 1995 Local
9 Acrania in a sheep-lamb. Assuit Vet. Med. J., Vol . 23, No. 46, pp. 249-251. ( ) . 1990 Local
10 Branchial Cysts in buffalo calves. Agri Practice. Vol .15, No. 1, pp. 33-35. 1994 Local
11 Congunctivoralostomy and congunctivorhinostomy for relief of epiphora in donkeys. Assuit Vet. Med. J., Vol. 24, No. 48, pp. 217 -229 (). 1991 Local
12 Cunean tenectomy in donkeys. Assuit Vet. Med. J . 1991 Local
13 Dermoid Cysts in donkeys. Equine Practice. Vol. 16, No. 3, pp 31-33 1994 Local
14 Differential diagnosis of some swellings at the head and neck regions in some farm animals. Assuit Vet. Med. J., Vol .38, No.75, pp 205-218. 1997 Local
15 Feline Neonatal Ophthalmia. Sixth Scientific Congress, Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit Univ., pp.255-262. 1994 Local
16 Hinweise Zur Behandlung einiger Tumoren bein Esel . Der Praktische Tierarzt 82, Heft 10, 802-809. 2001 Local
17 Ocular Dermoids in some farm animals . Assuit Vet. Med. J.,Vol .30, No.57, pp.212-220. 1993 Local
18 Os Penis in dogs. Assuit Vet. Med. J., Vol. 35, No.69, pp.115-122 1996 Local
19 Persistent pupillary membrane in some domestic animals.Fourth Sci. Cong., Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit Univ. Vol. II, pp. 374-378. 1990 Local
20 Stromal Corneal Abscesses in some domestic animals. Assuit Vet. Med. J.,Vol .30, No.57, pp.221-227 1993 Local
21 Studies on some surgical affections of the external ear in farm animals. Assuit Vet. Med. J., Vol .32, No.63, pp.177-190. 1994 Local
22 Supernumerary teats (S.N.T.) in some domestic animals. Fourth Sci. Cong.,Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit UnivVol. II, pp.291-296. 1990 Local
23 Surgical and pathological studies on some skin tumours in donkeys at Kalupia provience. Zagazig Vet. J.,Vol .19, No. 2, pp. 402-414 1991 Local
24 Surgical management of ocular squmous cell carcinoma (O.S.C.C.)(Cancer Eye) in Equines Thirtieth Science Week, Damascus,Syria . 1990 Local
25 Surgical management of some ocular diseases in buffaloes ,cattle and sheep .Veterinary 1986 Local
26 Teeth affections in Equine. Assuit Vet. Med. J.,Vol . 25, No. 50 , pp.193-204 . 1991 Local
27 The clinical symptoms and complications of lumpy skin disease. Fourth Sci. Cong., Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit Univ. Vol. II, pp. 319-382 . 1990 Local
28 Topographical anatomy and blocking of the cutaneous nerves of the pelvic limb in donkeys. Fifth Scientific Conference. Fac. Vet. Med. , Assuit Univ., Egypt . 1992 Local
Adel Mohmoud (Nasr El Din) Ibrahim Badawy
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (16)
Total (16)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of computed tomography scanning of some normal catfish heads. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Eman A. Eshra; Adel M. Badawy 2014 International
2 Combined intravenous anaesthesia with midazolam and propofol for performing abdominal surgery in sheep A M Badawy; M M Ghanem 2010 International
3 Comparison of Three Techniques for Arthrocentesis of the Carpal Joint in Dromedary Camels: A Prospective Study. Adel M. Badawy1, Eman A. Eshra2 2016 International
4 Computed Tomographic Anatomy of the Fore Foot in One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedrus)" A M Badawy 2011 International
5 Computed Tomographic Arthrography of the Normal Dromedary Camel Carpus. Adel M. Badawy1; Mohamed A. Marzok2; Eman A. Eshra3 2016 International
6 Computed Tomographic Features of The Camel Nasal Myiasis. Adel M. Badawy1, Reham S. Elmadawy2 2015 International
7 Development of an ultrasound-guided technique for retrobulbar nerve block in dromedary camels: a cadaveric study. Adel M. Badawy1; Eman A. Eshra2 2017 International
9 Peculiarities of the Camel and Sheep Narial Musculature in Relation to the Clinical Value and the Mechanism of Narial Closure. Eman A. Eshra1 and Adel M. Badawy2 2014 International
10 Percutaneous Ligation of Spermatic Cord as an Alternative to Opened Castration in Donkeys A M Badawy 2009 International
11 Reference values and repeatability of the Schirmer tear tests I and II in domesticated, clinically normal dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius). Mohamed A. Marzok1, Adel M. Badawy2 and Sabry A. El-khodery3 2017 International
12 Some Congenital Malformations in Ruminants and Equines with Special Reference to the Surgical Treatment of Recto-vaginal and Cysto-rectal fistulae A M Badawy 2011 International
13 Supra- Orbital Nerve Block In Dromedary Camel (Camelus Dromedarius). Adel M. Badawy1 ; Eman A. Eshra2 2015 International
14 The biochemical changes of ultrasonic waves on protein metabolism Yakout A. El Senosi1, Adel M. Badwy2, Alaa M.A wahdan 2015 International
15 Topical use of Phenytoin for Promoting of Wound Healing in Equines Adel M. Badawy 2008 International
16 Ultrasonographic anatomy of the patellar ligaments before and after medial patellar desmotomy in buffaloes (Bos bubalis)" A Kassab; A M Badawy 2011 International
Hussein El-Maghraby
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (7)
Total (7)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 A Retrospective Study on Some Surgical Affections of The Perineum and Vagina in Farm Animals ElMaghraby, HM 2002 International
2 Sedative and Analgesic Effects of Romifidine in Donkeys ElMaghraby, HM, AlAkraa, AM 2005 International
3 Comparison of two surgical techniques for mastectomy of goats. El Maghraby, HM 2001 International
4 Orbital Tumors in Donkeys El Maghraby, HM and Fahmy, MF 1995 International
5 Sedative and Analgesic Effects of Detomidine in Camels (Camelus dromedaries). El-Maghraby, HM and Al-Quda, KM 2005 International
6 Surgical Correction of Displaced Abomasum Associated with Ruminal and Reticular Foreign Bodies in Cattle El-Maghraby H.M. and Hilat N. 2002 International
7 Unusual Cutaneous Spindle Cell Tumor in a Buffalo." El-Maghraby, HM 1995 International
Abd-El-Haleem Hamada Mahmoud El-Kasaby
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (10)
Total (10)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Arthrography and Arthrosonography of the Friesian cattle (Bos taurus) carpus A M. Al-akraa; A H. El-kasapy; AA. El-Shafey 2015 International
2 Arthroscopy of septic carpitis in donkeys (Equus asinus) A.H. Elkasapy; A I Abdelgalil; AM Al-Akraa; IM Ibrahim; SF Ismail 2014 International
3 Assessment of Various Therapeutic Modalitiesfor Experimentally Induced Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Rats Moataz A. Elawady 1 ,Mohammed M. Elmaghrabi 1 , Nesrinesalem 2 , Mohamed Y. Salem 3 , Mona A. Elawady 4 , Dina Sabry 5 , Ashraf Shamaa 6 , Abdel-Haleem H. Elkasapy 7, Noha Ibrahim 2017 International
4 Contribution to reconstruction of third degree rectovestibular lacerations in mares AH Elkasapy; IM Ibrahim 2015 International
5 Intra-Articular Injection, Computed Tomography and Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Metacarpus and Digits of the Cattle (Bostaurus) and Buffalo (Bosbubalis) A M Al-Akraa; AH El-Kasapy; AA El-Shafey 2014 International
8 Surgical Management and Histopathological Classification of the Canine Mammary Gland Cancers A M. Al-Akraa, A H. El-Kasapy 2015 International
9 The biochemical effects of bee pollen suspension on prostatitis induced experimentally in rats. Afaf D. Abd El-Magied, Abd El-Haleem H. El-Kasapy 2015 International
10 Ultrasound guidance horn anesthesia in Water buffaloes, Bubalus bubalis (Linnaeus, MM Shokry; A H El-Kasapy 2015 International
ahmed hassan khalil
Local Publication (4)
International Publication (8)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Augmentation colocystoplasty for improving bladder filling capacity in dogs Abd Al-Galil ASA and Khalil AH* 2016 International
2 Clinical Assessment of Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon (SDFT) Core Lesion Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in Donkeys (Equus Asinus) M. B. Mostafa¹, A. M. Al-Akraa² and A. H. Khalil² 2015 International
3 Clinicopathological and Ultrasonographic Changes during Experimentally Induced Arthritis in Donkey 7. Fararah, K.M., Elshemy, M.A., Abdalgalil, A.S.A., Khalil, A.H.and Elsaber, A.E. 2018 Local
5 LINEAR AND ANGULAR BIOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS OF LIMBS OF CAMEL (Camelus dromedarius) M.B. Mostafa1 and A.H. Khalil2 2018 International
6 Platelet Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Core Lesion in Donkeys: Histopathological Assessment Mohamed Mostafa¹, Ahmed Khalil², Adel Al-Akraa² 2020 International
7 Prevalence and Factors Associated with Superficial Tumors and Tumor-like Swelling in Cattle and Buffalo in Egypt. Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal 21:4 (2020) 155-160 2020 Local
8 Sedative, Analgesic, Behavioral and Clinical Effects of Intravenous Nalbuphine-Xylazine Combination in Camels (Camelus Dromedarius) Ahmed H. Khalil 1, Atef S. Abd Al-Galil2, Ahmed A. Sabek 3,*,Mohamed M. Zeineldin4, Seham Y. Abo-Kora5 2019 International
9 Turnover Flap of External Rectus Sheath as Autologous Graft for Correction of Scrotal Hernia in Rams. 2021 Local
10 Ultrasonographic Assessment of Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon (SDFT) Core Lesion Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in Donkeys (Equus Asinus) M. B. Mostafa¹, A. M. Al-Akraa² and A. H. Khalil² 2015 International
11 Ultrasonographic diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Abd Al-Galil, A.S.A and Khalil, A.H.* 2016 International
12 Ultrasonography, Clinical and Haemato-biochemical Evaluations of Rumino-cutaneous Fistula in buffaloe (Bubalus bubalis) 2021 Local
Atef Sayed Ahmed Abd Algalil Sayed Ahmed
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (7)
Total (8)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Augmentation colocystoplasty for improving bladder filling capacity in dogs Abd Al-Galil ASA ; Khalil AH 2016 International
2 Influence of ketamine, thiopental or propofol anaesthesia on acute phase proteins in buffalo calves Khalid Fararh; Adel Al-Akraa; Atef Abd-Algalil 2011 Local
3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the One-Humped Camel (Camlus Dromdarius) Digits El-Shafey, A.A; Abd Al-Galil, A.S.A 2012 International
4 Propofol Anesthesia in Donkeys in Combination with Chloral hydrate Ismail, S.F; Abd Al-Galil, A.S.A; Gehan, B.A. Youssef 2010 International
5 Radiological Investigation of the African Brush-tailed Porcupine (Atherurus africanus) Appendicular Skeleton El-Shafey, A.A; Akraiem A; Abdel-Galil, A.S.A. 2010 International
6 Rumen impaction in cattle due to plastic materials Akraiem A, Abd Al-Galil A. S. A 2016 International
8 Ultrasonographic diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Abd Al-Galil, A.S.A ; Khalil, A.H 2016 International
Hussein Mohamed Elhusseiny Ali Elbayoumi
Local Publication (0)
International Publication (58)
Total (58)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 2019 International
2 4 cases of dogs using different antiarrhythmic agents for atrial fibrillation with congestive heart failure (1 case using ivabradine) 鬱血性心不全を伴う心房細動に対し異なる抗不整脈 … Shuntya Komeda, Tomohiko Yoshida, Yusuke Ozai, Aki Takeuchi, Lina Hamabe, Yukiko Maemura, Takumi Okubo, Ahmed S. Mandour, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Hanan Hendawy, Ma Danfu, Ryou Tanaka 2021 International
3 Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Animals in 2022 Animals Editorial Office; Hussein M. El-Husseiny 2023 International
4 Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Genes in 2022 Genes Office Editorial; Hussein M. El-Husseiny 2023 International
5 Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Materials in 2022 Materials Editorial Office; Hussein M. El-Husseiny 2023 International
6 Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Veterinary Sciences in 2022 Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office; Hussein M. El-Husseiny 2023 International
7 Adipose Stem Cell-Seeded Decellularized Porcine Pericardium: A Promising Functional Biomaterial to Synergistically Restore the Cardiac Functions Post-Myocardial Infarction Hussein M El-Husseiny, Eman A Mady, Tatsuya Usui, Yusuke Ishihara, Toshinori Yoshida, Mio Kobayashi, Kenta Sasaki, Danfu Ma, Akira Yairo, Ahmed S Mandour, Hanan Hendawy, Ahmed S Doghish, Osama A Mohammed, Ken Takahashi, Ryou Tanaka 2023 International
8 Advances and prospects of platelet-rich plasma therapy in veterinary ophthalmology Khan Sharun, Deepak Chandran, KM Manjusha, Pratheesh D Mankuzhy, Rohit Kumar, Abhijit M Pawde, Kuldeep Dhama, Hussein M El-Husseiny, Amarpal 2023 International
9 Assessment of the Cardiac Functions Using Full Conventional Echocardiography with Tissue Doppler Imaging before and after Xylazine Sedation in Male Shiba Goats Ahmed S. Mandour, Haney Samir, Tomohiko Yoshida, Katsuhiro Matsuura, Hend A. Abdelmageed, Mohamed Elbadawy, Salim Al-Rejaie, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Ahmed Elfadadny, Danfu Ma, Ken Takahashi, Gen Watanabe and Ryou Tanaka 2020 International
10 CardioBird: Convenient ECG evaluation software for farm goats. CardioBird: 農場のヤギにおける簡便な心電図評価ソフトウェア Aimi Yokoi, Ahmed S. Mandour, Haney Samir, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Cheng Chieh-Jen, Ma Danfu, Lina Hamabe, Hend A. Abdelmageed, Tomohiko Yoshida, Miki Hirose, Shuntya Komeda, Momoko Watanabe, Gen Watanabe, Ryou Tanaka 2021 International
11 Changes in cardiac function during the development of uremic cardiomyopathy and the effect of Salvianolic acid B administration in a rat model Danfu Ma, Ahmed S Mandour, Ahmed Elfadadny, Hanan Hendawy, Tomohiko Yoshida, Hussein M El-Husseiny, Koji Nishifuji, Ken Takahashi, Yanbin Zhao, Zhenlei Zhou, Ryou Tanaka 2022 International
12 Changes in the Pulmonary Artery Wave Reflection in Dogs with Experimentally-Induced Acute Pulmonary Embolism and the Effect of Vasodilator Tomohiko Yoshida, Ahmed S. Mandour, Katsuhiro Matsuura, Kazumi Shimada, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Lina Hamabe, Zeki Yilmaz, Akiko Uemura and Ryou Tanaka 2021 International
13 Comparison of Bovine- and Porcine-Derived Decellularized Biomaterials: Promising Platforms for Tissue Engineering Applications Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Eman A. Mady, Masahiro Kaneda, Kazumi Shimada,Yasumoto Nakazawa, Tatsuya Usui 7,Mohamed Elbadawy, Yusuke Ishihara, Moeko Hirose, Yohei Kamei, Ahmed S. Doghish, Hesham A. El-Mahdy, Walaa A. El-Dakroury, andRyou Tanaka 2023 International
14 Decoding the role of miRNAs in multiple myeloma pathogenesis: A focus on signaling pathways Amr Mohamed Yehia, Elsayed GE Elsakka, ..., Hussein M El-Husseiny, ...., Ahmed S Doghish 2023 International
15 Desosomes and desimicelles − a novel vesicular and micellar system for enhanced oral delivery of poorly soluble drug: Optimization of in vitro characteristics and in vivo performance Abdelrahman R Said, Gihan F Asaad, Marwa E Shabana, Alaa S Sayed, Dalia H Elfeky, Hager Mohamed Ali, Amal Adel Abdelfattah, Hussein M El-Husseiny, Walaa A El-Dakroury 2024 International
16 Development of Small-Diameter Artificial Vascular Grafts Using Transgenic Silk Fibroin Takashi Tanaka, Sakiko Hara, Hanan Hendawy, Hussein M El-Husseiny, Ryo Tanaka, Tetsuo Asakura 2023 International
17 Effect of acute melatonin administration on heart function in goats: Full conventional and speckle tracking echocardiography and intraventricular pressure gradients change Ahmed Mandour, Haney Samir, Tomohiko Yoshida, Katsuhiro Matsuura, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Ma Danfu, Hend A. Abdelmageed, Lina Hamabe, Lina Watanabe, Ryou Tanaka 2021 International
18 Effect of Loading Changes on the Intraventricular Pressure Measured by Color M-mode Echocardiography in Rats Akira Yairo, Ahmed S. Mandour, Katsuhiro Matsuura, Tomohiko Yoshida, Danfu Ma, Pitipat Kitpipatkun, Konosuke Kato, Chieh-Jen Cheng, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Takashi Tanaka, Kazumi Shimada, Lina Hamabe, Akiko Uemura, Ken Takahashi and Ryou Tanaka 2021 International
19 Evaluation of Changes in the Cardiac Function before and after Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair in Healthy Dogs: Conventional and Novel Echocardiography Kenta Sasaki, Danfu Ma, Ahmed S Mandour, Yusuke Ozai, Tomohiko Yoshida, Katsuhiro Matsuura, Aki Takeuchi, Chieh-Jen Cheng, Hussein M El-Husseiny, Hanan Hendawy, Kazumi Shimada, Lina Hamabe, Akiko Uemura, Ryou Tanaka 2022 International
20 Evaluation of Left Ventricular Function in Healthy Retrievers Using Standard and 2D Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography Lina Hamabe, Kazumi Shimada, Ahmed S. Mandour, Tomohiko Yoshida, Miki Hirose, Hanan Hendawy, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, and Ryou Tanaka 2022 International
21 Glycerolized Bovine Pericardium Versus Polypropylene Mesh for Reconstruction of Large Abdominal Wall Defects El-Husseiny, H.M., El-Maghraby, H.M., Alakraa, A.M., Kandiel, M.M.M., Tanaka R. 2020 International
22 Hybrid Biodegradable Polymeric Scaffolds for Cardiac Tissue Engineering Hussein M El-Husseiny, Eman A Mady, Yasmine Radwan, Maria Nagy, Amira Abugomaa, Mohamed Elbadawy, Ryou Tanaka 2023 International
23 Impact of Adipose Tissue Depot Harvesting Site on the Multilineage Induction Capacity of Male Rat Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells: An In Vitro Study Hussein M El-Husseiny, Masahiro Kaneda, Eman A Mady, Tadashi Yoshida, Ahmed S Doghish, Ryou Tanaka 2023 International
24 Impact of the mother's gut microbiota on infant microbiome and brain development Eman A Mady, Ahmed S Doghish, Walaa A El-Dakroury, Samy Y Elkhawaga, Ahmed Ismail, Hesham A El-Mahdy, Elsayed GE Elsakka, Hussein M El-Husseiny 2023 International
25 Influence of Adipose Tissue Depot Harvesting Site on the Multilineage Induction of Male Rat Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells H. M. El-Husseiny, Masahiro Kaneda, Eman A. Mady, Ryou Tanaka 2023 International
26 Intraventricular pressure gradient: a novel colour M-mode echocardiographic-derived imaging modality to assess and predict the alterations following acute myocardial infarction HM El-Husseiny, EA Mady, K Takahashi, R Tanaka 2023 International
27 Intraventricular pressure gradient: A novel tool to assess the post-infarction chronic congestive heart failure Hussein M El-Husseiny, Eman A Mady, Danfu Ma, Lina Hamabe, Ken Takahashi, Ryou Tanaka 2022 International
28 Intraventricular pressure gradient: a promising tool to predict the post-infarction chronic congestive heart failure in rats HM El-Husseiny, EA Mady, K Shimada, L Hamabe, T Yoshida, D Ma, AS Mandour, H Hendawy, K Sasaki, S Fukuzumi, M Watanabe, M Hirose, H Mizuki, K Takahashi, R Tanaka 2022 International
29 miRNAs as potential game-changers in head and neck cancer: Future clinical and medicinal uses Hesham A El-Mahdy, Ahmed M Mohamadin, Ahmed I Abulsoud, Emad Gamil Khidr, Ahmed A El-Husseiny, Ahmed Ismail, Elsayed GE Elsakka, Hamada Ahmed Mokhlis, Hussein M El-Husseiny, Ahmed S Doghish 2023 International
30 miRNAs driving diagnosis, progression, and drug resistance in multiple myeloma Mohamed A Elkady, Amr Mohamed Yehia, ........, Hussein M El-Husseiny, Heba M Midan, ...., Ahmed S Doghish 2023 International
31 miRNAs insights into rheumatoid arthritis: Favorable and detrimental aspects of key performers Ahmed S Doghish, Ahmed Ismail, Hesham A El-Mahdy, Samy Y Elkhawaga, Elsayed GE Elsakka, Eman A Mady, Mahmoud A Elrebehy, Mahmoud AF Khalil, Hussein M El-Husseiny 2023 International
32 miRNAs orchestration of salivary gland cancer-Particular emphasis on diagnosis, progression, and drug resistance Ahmed A El-Husseiny, Nourhan M Abdelmaksoud, ...., Hussein M El-Husseiny, ...., Walaa A El-Dakroury, Ahmed S Doghish 2023 International
33 Mutations in SARS-CoV-2: Insights on structure, variants, vaccines, and biomedical interventions Ahmed I Abulsoud, Hussein M El-Husseiny, Ahmed A El-Husseiny, ...., Ahmed S Doghish 2023 International
34 Novel color M-mode echocardiographic-derived intraventricular pressure gradient to assess the long-term alterations post chronic myocardial infarction with variable severities Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Eman A. Mady, Ryou Tanaka 2022 International
35 Platelet Rich Fibrin Augmented Versus Non-Augmented Glycerolized Bovine Pericardium and Polypropylene Mesh for Repairing of Large Abdominal Wall Defects El-Husseiny, H. M.; El-Maghraby, H. M.; Alakraa, A. M. and Kandiel, M. M. M. 2019 International
36 Recent advances in waste-recycled nanomaterials for biomedical applications: Waste-to-wealth Mohamed Abd Elkodous*#, Hussein M. El-Husseiny*#, Gharieb S. El-Sayyad*#, [......], and Atsunori Matsuda* 2021 International
37 Relationship between the components of mare breast milk and foal gut microbiome: shaping gut microbiome development after birth Eman A Mady, Haruna Osuga, Haruka Toyama, Hussein M El-Husseiny, Ryo Inoue, Harutaka Murase, Yuki Yamamoto, Kentaro Nagaoka 2024 International
38 RENOVASCULAR HYPERTENSION-INDUCED CARDIAC CHANGES IN A RAT MODEL: FEASIBILITY OF CONVENTIONAL AND RECENT ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Danfu Ma, Ahmed S Mandour, Hanan Hendawy, Tomohiko Yoshida, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Yusuke Ozai, Aki Takeuchi, Ken Takahashi, Akiko Uemura, Ryou Tanaka 2021 International
39 Role of multidrug resistance-associated proteins in cancer therapeutics: past, present, and future perspectives Ahmed Elfadadny, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Amira Abugomaa, Rokaia F. Ragab, Eman A. Mady, Mohamed Aboubakr, Haney Samir, Ahmed S. Mandour, Amany El-Mleeh, Ali H. El-Far, Ayman H. Abd El-Aziz & Mohamed Elbadawy 2021 International
40 Smart/stimuli-responsive chitosan/gelatin and other polymeric macromolecules natural hydrogels vs. synthetic hydrogels systems for brain tissue engineering: A state-of-the-art review Hussein M El-Husseiny, Eman A Mady, Ahmed S Doghish, Moataz B Zewail, Amr M Abdelfatah, Mina Noshy, Osama A Mohammed, Walaa A El-Dakroury 2024 International
41 Smart/stimuli-responsive hydrogels: Cutting-edge platforms for tissue engineering and other biomedical applications Hussein M. El-Husseiny a,b,*,1, Eman A. Mady c,**,1, Lina Hamabe a, Amira Abugomaa d, Kazumi Shimada a,e, Tomohiko Yoshida a, Takashi Tanaka a, Aimi Yokoi a, Mohamed Elbadawy f, Ryou Tanaka a, *** 2022 International
42 Smart/stimuli-responsive hydrogels: State-of-the-art platforms for bone tissue engineering Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Eman A. Mady, Walaa A. El-Dakroury, Moataz B. Zewail, Mina Noshy, Amr M. Abdelfatah, Ahmed S. Doghish 2022 International
43 Stimuli-responsive hydrogels: cutting-edge platforms for cartilage tissue engineering Hussein M El-Husseiny, Eman A Mady, Tomohiko Yoshida, Ryou Tanaka 2023 International
44 Stimuli-responsive hydrogels: smart state of-the-art platforms for cardiac tissue engineering Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Eman A. Mady, Walaa A. El-Dakroury, Ahmed S. Doghish, Ryou Tanaka 2023 International
45 Surgical correction of the persistent right aortic arch in a cat with thrombocytopenia Hussein M. EL-Husseiny, Li Zong Ru, Ryou Tanaka 2023 International
46 Surgical treatment for left atrial rupture due to myxomatous mitral valve disease in three dogs: A case report Tomohiko Yoshida, Katsuhiro Matsuura, Cheng Chieh‐Jen, Yuki Aboshi, Shusaku Yamada, Hideki Yotsuida, Mizuki Hasegawa, Hanan A Hendawy, Hussein M El‐Husseiny, Yusuke Takahashi, Yuki Oonuma, Youta Yaginuma, Shou Fukuzumi, Ryou Tanaka 2022 International
47 The Anti-Nociceptive Potential of Tulathromycin againstChemically and Thermally Induced Pain in Mice Mohamed Elbadawy, Amira Abugomaa, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Ahmed S. Mandour, Mohamed M. Abdel-Daim, Salama Mostafa Aboelenin, Mohamed Mohaned Soliman, and Amany El-Mleeh 2021 International
48 The Antinociceptive and Antipyretic Potentials of Cefepime Mohamed Elbadawy, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Mossad Gamaleddin Ahmed Elsayed, Ashraf A. Elkomy, Amira Abugomaa 2021 International
49 The interplay of signaling pathways and miRNAs in the pathogenesis and targeted therapy of esophageal cancer Ahmed S Doghish, Ahmed A El-Husseiny, ...., Hussein M El-Husseiny, Ahmed I Abulsoud 2024 International
50 The Pivotal Role of Stem Cells in Veterinary Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Hussein M El-Husseiny, Eman A Mady, Mahmoud AY Helal, Ryou Tanaka 2022 International
51 The potential role of miRNAs in the pathogenesis of gallbladder cancer-A focus on signaling pathways interplay Ahmed S Doghish, Heba M Midan, ..., Hussein M El-Husseiny, Sherif S Abdel Mageed, Ahmed I Abulsoud 2023 International
52 The potential role of miRNAs in the pathogenesis of salivary gland cancer-A Focus on signaling pathways interplay Ahmed I Abulsoud, Shereen Saeid Elshaer, ...., Hussein M El-Husseiny, Wael S Ibrahim, Ahmed S Doghish 2023 International
53 Tissue Harvesting Site Effect on the Canine Adipose Stromal Vascular Fraction Quantity and Quality Hanan Hendawy, Akiko Uemura, Danfu Ma, Ryosuke Namiki, Haney Samir, Mahmoud F. Ahmed, Ahmed Elfadadny, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Cheng Chieh-Jen, Ryou Tanaka 2021 International
54 Tracking the therapeutic efficacy of a ketone mono ester and β-hydroxybutyrate for ulcerative colitis in rats: New perspectives Osama A Mohammed, Sameh Saber, ......., Hussein M El-Husseiny, Mushabab Alghamdi, Mahmoud E Youssef 2024 International
55 Treatment of portal vein thrombosis using vascular access port implantation in a Dalmatian dog: A case report Tomohiko Yoshida, Kazumi Shimada, Katsuhiro Matsuura, Ahmed S.Mandour, Lina Hamabe, Hussein M. El-Husseiny, Aki Takeuchi, Usuke Ozai, Akiko Uemura and Ryou Tanaka 2022 International
56 Unraveling the role of miRNAs in the diagnosis, progression, and drug resistance of oral cancer Ahmed S Doghish, Shereen Saeid Elshaer, ...., Hussein M El-Husseiny, Ahmed I Abulsoud 2023 International
57 Unraveling the role of miRNAs in the diagnosis, progression, and therapeutic intervention of Parkinson’s disease Osama A Mohammed, Mohammed S Elballal, ..., Hussein M El-Husseiny, Abdulla MA Mahmoud, Sameh Saber, Ahmed S Doghish 2023 International
58 Use of Glycerolized Bovine Pericardium Versus Polypropylene Mesh for Hernioplasty in Domestic Animals El-Husseiny, H.M., ; El-Maghraby, H.M.; Alakraa, A.M. and Kandiel, M.M.M. 2017 International
Hossam Ali Mohamedy Ali Abosenna
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Evaluation of the effect of calcium phosphate nanoparticles in accelerating healing process of an induced femoral bone defect in dogs 1, Abdelhaleem H.Elkasapy2, Kahlid F.Qasim1, Adel M. Badawy1, Adel M. Alkraa1*Hossam A. Abosenna 2023 Local
Ahmed Ibrahim Seleman Elkewahy
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Ultrasonography of the urinary tract in dogs and cats: Clinical investigations and prevalence Ahmed Elkewahy1,*, Adel M. Badawy1, Samy F. Ismail1, Hussein M. El-Maghraby1 2023 Local
elham Shabaan Abd-Elmohsein Khalaf
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Ultrasonographic Examination of Abdominal Wall Swellings in Cattle and Buffalo (Bubalusbubalis) Elham Shaaban A.*, Al-Akraa A.M.**, Atef Abd Al-Galil***, Khalil A. H.****, El-Kassapy A.H.*****, El-Maghraby H.M 2020 Local
Eman Salah Abdelghany
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (0)
Total (1)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Development of a technique for interseptal immediate dental implantation and titanium crown restoration in dogs: Experimental studies Eman S.A.Mohamed , Ahmed M.E.Shraki , Adel M.Badawy 2023 Local
Mahmoud Mohammed Abouelfetouh Khalil
Local Publication (1)
International Publication (11)
Total (12)
# Publication Authors Year Localization
1 Application of α2-adrenergic agonists combined with anesthetics and their implication in pulmonary intravascular macrophages-insulted pulmonary edema and hypoxemia in ruminants 2020 International
2 Cardiorespiratory Effects of Three Infusion Doses of Adenosine in Conscious Goats: A Preliminary Study 2023 International
3 Determination of minimum infusion rate of propofol in combination with electroacupuncture in goats 2023 International
4 Determination of the Minimum Infusion Rate of Alfaxalone Combined with Electroacupuncture in Goats 2021 International
5 Immediate Postoperative Analgesia of Nalbuphine-Ketamine Combination Compared with Ketamine Alone in Xylazine-Sedated Goats Undergoing Left Flank Laparotomy Mahmoud M. Abouelfetouh 1,2 , Eman Salah 1,3, Lingling Liu 1,4, Ahmed H. Khalil 2, Qiulin Zhang 1,Mingxing Ding 1 and Yi Ding 2022 International
6 Intrathecal adenosine enhances the antinociception of Xylazine in goats 2022 International
7 Let-7b-5p promotes electroacupuncture tolerance by downregulating Penk1 gene in CFA-induced inflammatory nociception rats Qiulin Zhang,Ai Liu,Mahmoud Abouelfetouh,Ning Ma Softwar,Meng Li,Shuhuai Chen,Mingxing Ding and Yi Ding 2020 International
8 MicroRNA Let-7b-5p Induces Electroacupuncture Tolerance by Downregulating the MKP-1 Gene in Rats Subjected to CFA-induced Inflammatory Nociception Qiulin Zhang,Mahmoud Abouelfetouh,Shuhuai Chen,Meng Li,Mingxing Ding and Yi Ding 2020 International
9 Optimal delay for triple-phase hepatic computed tomography using a bolustracking technique in cats 2023 International
10 Solid lipid nanoparticles for enhanced oral absorption: A review 2020 International
11 Surgical management of pectoral limb long bone fractures in dogs: Clinical and Radiographical studies. Abou-El-Fetouh., M.M; Al-Akraa., A.M and Gadallah., S.M 2015 Local
12 The Effect of Xylazine Premedication on the Dose and Quality of Anesthesia Induction with Alfaxalone in Goats 2020 International